.•° Birdbrain °•.

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" So this is a Hand to Hand combat?" You asked raising your fist.

"Yep. We'll see how you handle this kind of situation incase.. You know, Your powers suddenly dissapeared" Nightwing said as he too, raise his fist.

"Don't get your hopes up Nighttail" You smirked as Nightwing Charged at you.


You woke up with a pain on your wrist.  Seconds later, you noticed your in a infirmary bed and the place felt like your being watched.

And your thoughts were right. The wall infront changed to a transparent glass, Batman, Black Canary, Wonder Woman and Captain Atom himself were standing behind.


You watch as Batman press a button on his glove and the holographic video dissapeared. "You had done big on saving Gotham" He grumbled and give you a small smile. It is unnatural for The Dark Knight to smile. But hey, he did it first.

"Uh Thanks. Clearly Gotham is my home other than it's a blood walled city but.. It's where I grew up"

You kept noticing Wonder woman looking at you like your the last puzzle piece. You keep nodding on one of the League's Questions and keep staring at Wonderwoman.

"---art of the Young Justice"

"I'm sorry what?" You asked not assured of what you've heard.

"We asked If you could be apart of the Young Justice?" Black Canary asked.

"We wouldn't to push you Silver Mystique but If you wanted to, Wonder Woman, Black Canary and Green Arrow could be your Mentor "

'Wait! Both Three Leaguers? That's...'

"Awesome!" You shouted the Last word on your thoughts. They gave you a look and you blushed under your mask from much of your embarassment.

"I-I mean yeah. Alright. So when are we gonna start?"



" And this is Robin" Miss Martian pointed. You gave him a small smile but he just did a Blank Face... Like I mean a Blank Face.

"So. Your Silver Mystique, Awesome Code name" Wonder Girl cheered and snuck an Arm on your shoulder.

"Yeah. Thanks Wonder Girl" You smiled and Your Mentors came.

"Hope we can go along fine and welcome to the Team... Metalinx" You stared in aww at Your new Name.

"Metalinx... It's Wicked Cool" You smile and Miss Martian gave you a hug from behind and you all giggled. Along with Wonder Girl, Batgirl, Bumble bee, Rocket and Zantanna.

"Welcome to The Team!"  "A new Member on Sisterhood!" "Maybe another on Team Alpha!"


"Aaaaand that's a touch down! Metalinx takes down Nightwing in Three, two, one! Ding Ding! And The Winner! Still the Champion 3 times in a row! The Metal Freak from The Red Corner! Woo" You cheered in excitement as You twist Nightwing's Leg up to his Head and he pat his arm on the floor in pain.

"Okay Okay Okay! You won! You won!" You laughed and let go. Nightwing groaning and stretching his back.

" Haha! Beat that Nightwing! In your face!" You cheered and Batgirl along with Wonder Girl came with a laugh.

"How's your training with Nightwing? Woah! What happened to you Nightwing?" Wonder Girl asked and he nod his head to your figure.

"He just couldn't handle my Awesomeness too much and I beat him 4 times straight" You grin.

"Well. She's tough alright" Nightwing groaned.

"Yeah. So Wanna go watch a movie? M'gann's choice titled.. Uh Another Cinder cone I think?" Wonder Girl asked herself.

"It's Another Cinderella Story Wonder Girl. Come on! Bumble Bee and Rocjet is Waiting!" Batgirl dragged you to the living room and found most of the team on the couch, Chair and even on the floor.

"Okay I'm going to get some popcorn. Hey Linx wanna help?" Bumble bee asked. You nod and went to the kitchen, Doing what you been gone there for five minutes.

Everyone is On their Normal Lazy attire... Even you but you have a mask. Clearly haven't decided when you're gonna show your face and anything.

"Woah. I never noticed we got many Bowls.. I gotta give Conner and Garfield's because They been waiting for like... Forever so.. I'll be right back" Bumble bee excused as you continue to fill the bowls with the Pop corns.

You widened the Metal Tray so it could fit the whole Herd of Popcorn and one is your holding on your grasp. Eating already.

You turn to go and serve the Popcorns but you bump into something and fell on the floor on your Arse. Rubbing your arse, you noticed the (Flavored Popcorn/ F-P) are scattered on the floor like Bombs and Echoing Compact of the bowl on the ground still boomed the Room.

It was Robin. The Grumpy Jerk that been giving you Rude Comments.

"Watch where you're going Meta" He grumbled.

"Not my fault that I'm giving a Full time warning. A warning next time? And why are you this Sneaky? It's freaking someone like hell" You replied and he, Still on his mask. Narrow his eyes down on you

Curse you height! You said mentally. "Not to be Rude but I am trained by Batman and Nightwing. It's my Quo to be Sneaky and you can't do anything about it. Shorty"

You swear you had Angry marks all over your head and Your fist curled. Ready to punch him right in the face.

You step closer to him. "What do want to scheme here Boy wonder? What I know is that your A jerk right now and I am here to accompany the Young Justice. You should thank me I saved Gotham a.k.a your's and my home from blowing to bits"

Metal clattering started to sound the kitchen and Robin didn't seem to care. He been staring at you like a Hawk.

"And your point is? From what I know is that You're mysterious and That's not how we are on this Team. We share and communicate"

"Then what Are we doing right now? Isn't this Communicating? Y'know, Exchanging One's thoughts"

"I don't like you On this Form Metalinx. Take off the Mask and say who you are" Emphasizing the Your Name, You grit your teeth and almost swoop a punch at him but You saw A familiar 'S' symbol block your view.

"Woah Woah. Stop this Amigos. We are a Team! We shouldn't fight each other or Be angry to one another!" Blue Beetle or Jaime (How It is Pronounce like... High-may) said.

"Jaime's right. You guys should stop and be friends" M'gann cheered and Put a hand on your shoulder.

"It would take Never to get along with this Birdbrain" You snarled and glare at The Boy wonder.

Conner hold you on your Arm, preventing you charging at Robin."And I, would rather be Joker's room mate than Being Friends with you. Metal head" He replies.

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