.•° Continue °•.

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You yawned loudly and stretch on the bed like a cat would everytime they wake up.

Glancing at the clock with droopy eyes, "Five o' two" You said outloud before zombie walk down to the kitchen and doing your routine.

(Eat your favorite breakfast)

(Brush your teeth)

(Take a Bath)

Tying your hair on a low ponytail, you adjust your below knee skirt and put on your wrist watch.

Grabbing your bag as you come down, you lock the door and jumble your keys in your skirt's pocket.

You waited at your front yard for the bus. Thinking whether you could tell Tim about this or not.

You sat on the second seat, thanking that there was no student's filled the rest of the seats.


As you marched to your locker, you noticed a commotion. People hurdled around with their phones above their head as if there's a famous celebrity.

"O my Gosh! I can't believe I took a selfie with Shiera!" Des came near you as a bunch of girls giggled with their phones pass by.

"What's the commotion about?" You asked while grabbing your math textbook.

"I should have told this to you" She sigh making you confused.

"Desaryne, What is it?" You said on a demanding tone. You know this isn't good. By Seeing Des's face, it means involving you.

"It's Sheira" She said. You crock a brow at her. "What about her?" You asked. Sheira Grand, The Famous Cheerleader, Campus Hottie and one of the Riches Girl on this Academy by pledge.

"Well... ShebeensayingthatsheisMetalinxandBoyWonder'sGirlfriend!" She quickly bursted and you didn't catch all of it.

"Sorry Sorry. She been saying that she is Metalinx and Boy Wonder's Girlfriend!" She cupped your cheeks as she push you back and fort.

'What?! That girl?! O she's starting a fight eh?!' You thought while giving dead glares at Sheira, now walking on her heels passing by with people tailing.

The nerve of her. You noticed Tim was having his face confused and annoyed as he stood beside you. His bag on his shoulders and bags under his eyes seem noticeable.

"What's all the rumors about this time?" He asked before escaping a yawn.

"Sheira saying that she is Metalinx" Des answered and he choked his water while you scoff. "As if. I mean If she is Metalinx, wouldn't she be at the Mount Justice or something?" You roll your eyes.

"She wouldn't do that.. Would she? I mean She is a Superhero and Heroes needed secret identities" Des said while giving you a quick glance.

"Yeah. I'm with you Des but If she is Metalinx and spreading news then It will lure villains... Might be attacking this academy" You said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Your right but We don't know when or where they're gonna attack" Tim spoke as he glance around.

"Sooo... Ideas how to call Batman or Boy Wonder Robin? Do they even have phone" Des mumbled to herself as the Bell rung.

It's Wednesday and you have different classes with Des and Tim. So you three bid goodbye's but as you sat on your seat on Math Subject, You saw Sheira holding a copy of your mask. She showed it to everyone and you mentally cast a curse on her.

Take note you Hated her so much. Ever since third grading. She started bullying you by calling you 'Parentless' 'Nerd' 'Ugly' and many things.

Seventh grading is when she pulled you to prank year. Spilling you green, yellow and brown paint, throwing eggs and flour at you, setting the Water sprinkler when you were alone at the Girl's Room but Tim. Tim was there.

He stood by your side after he found you walking alone.


You sniff your nose when you jump on the square grey tiles of the sidewalk. Grandma was at the hospital that day and you can take care of yourself.

Rein was on highschool that year and he was too busy on his studies to visit you and Grandma.

"Grey. Grey. Grey. Grey. Grey" You keep cheering as you hop on every grey tiles.

"Hi there!"

"AAAAAAAH!" You screamed as a unknown voice was heard behind you.

"Hey Hey Hey! I'm sorry I scared you" A boy apologized. Wearing black pants and a simple white t shirt.

"Don't do that again... I'm Y/n L/n" You both shook hands and he smiled... You hesitated to smile. No one had ever been nice to you.

Not ever when Sheira started to bully you but you didn't mind it all.

"Timothy Drake but you can call me Tim" He smiled at you but you still remain your blank face.

"Nice meeting you but I should go" You turn but he grabbed you from the wrist and spun you around gently to face him.

"Wait. I uh w-wanted to ask if I could give you a ride?"  You blinked.

Before you could hesitate, he grabbed your wrist and ran to the children shed, where kids wait for their parents to pick them up.

"I-I shouldn't" You whispered.

"Nah, Don't worry about it... I-I just notice that your alone walking every dismissal... S-So I thought m-maybe you could be friends with me" He said shyly and fuming pink.

After that he never left your side, he was a dear and respectful bestfriend.

And you thanked God for that.

Tim Drake X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now