Chapter 8

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The video took around 2 hours to film which is fine, it's not like I have anything else to do. When I was done I put my camera away and turned my laptop on to edit the video. After 10 minutes of editing (which was barely anything) I was getting so angry at my laptop that I thought I might break it.

To calm down I grabbed my coat and went to the park. I put my headphones in and turned them up to full volume. It was starting to get dark and my coat was thin. I shivered and I turned to go back, I reached the road and stopped at a bench on the pavement.

I took my phone out and turned my it off, the road was silent, I was silent. Everything was silent. I walked to the end of the road and stepped onto it, there were small potholes and the road markings were coming off slightly. The road lights were flickering, like a warning signal. And the vast sky that is mostly void partially stars spread out above me.

I wanted to capture this moment in a photograph, but that would ruin the memory. Memory's shouldn't be changed or collected in some way, you should keep them somewhere in your head where no one can reach them. That's where I keep everything, somewhere It can't reach me. The memories, all the memories. I sat down on the side of the road. It's been years, why did I need to think about them now?

The pain comes back and tears threaten to fall. All the memories fight to attack me first with their pain and suffering. I looked up and focused on the houses lining the other side of the road. They were all uniform and almost identical, apart from one which was cream not white and it had a ladder outside. The house was on the end and looked like it didn't belong on this street. The house opposite me had the tv on and 2 lights on upstairs. Next to it was like every other house on that road, It only had one light on. I thought back to when I had a caring family, I missed them. The pain and suffering threatened to resurface but I replaced it with happy memories. When I was a young child life was pretty awesome, I had most of the stuff that was considered 'cool'. But the bad stuff kicked in just before high school.

I stood up and started to walk across the road, the memories were coming back fast and I needed to clear them. I shoved my hands in my pockets and my phone fell out with a handful of change, as I bent down to pick everything up a car came speeding round the corner, heading towards me...


Hi! What did you think of that chapter? I have had 7 entries for my cover competition and they are all amazing! you have 21 days left to enter so make sure you get them in before then! I found an amazing lgbt poem the other day and I recommend it to you, it is called Rainbow Wings and it is by @louiselovesoreoss go check it out if you want to! - Ruby :) 

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