Chapter 10

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Why wouldn't everything end? I wanted to be released from this life, this cruel, inhumane, pitiless world that I was forced to walk through day by day in defenceless trepidation. Why didn't the car kill me? Why didn't my dad do it all those years ago? Why did I keep getting second chances I don't deserve. I am nothing, I have nothing to contribute to the world other than my extensive knowledge of anime and my ghostly pale complexion.

I keep finding ways out but its not enough, it's never enough. I just want nothing to do with anything I want erase myself leaving only the memories of my loved ones.


I sat up in the hospital bed so I could look out of the window at the side of my room. The sky was grey and raindrops littered the window in chaos. There was a cactus on the windowsill that appeared one day earlier this week. It was a small circular cactus with a cluster of pink flowers growing on top. It made the room look less boring but compared to what other people got this was like having an allergy to chocolate at Easter, you get whatever your grandma found in the bottom of her purse.

"Daniel, you have a some visitors!" The overly exited nurse called into my room, I nearly gagged from the sickly sound of her voice.

"I'm fairly sure I don't, you must be mistaken." I didn't have any friends and Martin wouldn't come, not after the way we ended.

"Well I'm sending them in anyway, you have 20 minutes." The last part directed towards my 'visitors'.

I fixed my wavy hair in the mirror on the wall opposite me, not that it made me look any better. I had a few deep cuts on my face and I had a broken leg and a few fractured ribs. It could of been worse, but if it was I wouldn't be here right now and we would all be better off.

Then they walked into the room, Phil and Pj. I don't know how they had the nerve to do this. Last time we had a conversation it didn't end well, I have no clue about this time.

They awkwardly stood in the doorway deciding weather they should sit down or stand holding hands for the next 20 minutes. Pj whispered some thing in Phil's ear and walked out the door. This was weird and I have no idea what's going on.

Hey! Here is the next chapter sorry for the long wait. I might rant on a bit here so skip forward if you don't care about what I'm saying!
Recently my friend opened my eyes to how known this story is. She posted a comment on one of Dan and Phil's videos asking if anyone had heard of/read I Have Always Noticed You and two of you replied. This may not sound like much but I know that not many people are constantly in the comments of their videos and people often see a comment but dismiss it and carry on searching. Also one of you guys nominated me for the bromance awards which is crazy as you must enjoy this story enough to put it forward for awards. Lastly ihany has 130k which is crazy considering just over 1,300 people go to my school! I just wanted to thank all of you for sticking through all of this and I hope you carry on reading and enjoying my writing. Remember you can message me whenever and you are all fabulous people that are one of the few reasons I wake up smiling. (Damn that was cheesy) - Ruby 👍🏻

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