
141 3 1

sorry for the late chapter! 

Here's a heads up:

Bà is dad in chinese

"What? The mafia?" Jeff questioned the black haired damsel in disbelief. They'd gone to a different part of the house to where she was shooting out the window as she talked to Liu and Jeff. Hoodie was ordered to stay behind and shield the closet. Men with guns began to flow into the house and Jeff was forced to slash them as they came through the door; all while having a conversation with the slender young lady shooting rounds out the window.

"I'm pretty sure i didn't stutter. My father made some mistakes when he was younger, and now that hes old and defenseless these bastards wanna take him out." The female explained, whilst taking out multiple cars as they came up the way.

"Wow, what the hell has Ben gotten into.." Jeff sighed, breaking one of the men's neck over his knee.

"What's the deal? Why are you here anyway?" She asked, glaring at the pale skinned man for a second before releasing more rounds out the window.

"Your old man has what we want. We shouldn't even be teaming up with you people like this."

"You people?" She snapped immediately. Jeff looked back at her and grinned evilly before taking off into the hallway to attack more men. She clicked her teeth and watched him leave, partly wanting to shoot him also.


Jeff was running wildly through the halls, attacking men left and right. It seems the attackers called reinforcements and were now entering the house in numbers bigger than before 5 minutes ago. He continued to slash and cut the men; hearing them scream and ask what he was. The bloodlust in Jeff's heart was pouring over as his pupils dilated smaller with each life he took whilst running through the large hall. This house seemed to be a maze, and his reflexes have never been more accurate or attentive. Liu was upstairs being handed a gun.

"I don't really need this." Liu grimaced, inspecting the rifle. The black headed woman turned to him and frowned angrily.

"Either shoot out the window, or guard the door. You're using that gun." She instructed, throwing him a round of ammo. He caught it with hesitation, and looked backed into the flaming, angry eyes of the woman.

"Alright..." He sighed before standing and going over to the door where he was greeted by an intruder who shot him through the shoulder. The woman looked back in worry with a gasp, watching as blood shot out his shoulder. He simply smiled, slowly rose his gun to the him of the perpetrator's forehead, and pulled the trigger.

"Y-Your shoulder!" She rushed to her feet and Liu rose his hand to stop her. He turned with a soft and friendly smile towards her.

"It'll take more than that to hurt me." He spoke so soothingly, she felt her heart skip a beat in fear and admiration. She cocked her gun once before returning to her knees and facing the window. Liu Emptied his rounds down the hallway, smiling the entire time. It'd been a while since he used a gun with such firepower. The tingling of his fingers before squeezing the trigger, the tickling feeling as endless bullets flew through his body, the exhilaration of seeing the fear on the mans faces; seeing their only attack fail, he was loving all of it. He smile grew larger until he was smiling ear to ear like a mad man. As long as the men kept coming, he'd keep firing; And smiling.


Jeff had made his way back to the dining room he found the old man in. Sadly, he could't seem to find anymore hopeful victims in the area.

"Then i need to get Ben, and leave." He whispered to himself. He turned towards the front door, just to be greeted with the cocking of a shotgun and cold eyes staring back into his.

"Who the hell are you?" Jeff questioned, tilting his head.

"Names Tori, who the hell are you?" Tori replied sternly, keeping both and his gun locked on Jeff. His stare was so strong Jeff felt threatened by the burning feeling he felt on his skin.

"Jeff. You part of the mafia?"

"Beg your pardon?"

"Guess not."

"Look, are you friend or enemy?"

"Depends, you trying to hurt the people in this house?"

 "I'm one of the people who live here." Tori lowered his gun. Jeff took a few step forward; causing Tori to take a couple back.

"If you live here then you can answer a few questions about Ben for me." Jeff said, placing his hands in his pockets.

"What about him?" Tori snarled.

"What's he doing in this house? How log has he been living here?"

"Bout a year?"

"Against his will?"

"Look, I don't know what you've been told but Ben came here because he didn't have anywhere else to go."

"Bullshit! He--"

Jeff was interrupted by a loud, intelligible words and a gun shot. Tori took a quick look at Jeff before running in the direction of the noise. With nothing else to do, and slightly afraid to turn his back on this guy, he followed him. He froze in place when he heard Tori scream something in Chinese, it sounded as if it was a name. He watched from a short distance as more gunshots were heard and the sound of a body heavily hitting the floor echoed through.

"Bà!? Bà!!" Tori continued to scream and Jeff watched as he kneeled down near the old mans motionless body. He watched, his heart actually aching from the sight, as Tori continued to shake and yell at the old man. Tori sat in shock for a dent while, and couldn't bring himself to say anything. Frankly because he didn't know what to say and he didn't care. This wasn't his father on the gorund. Hell, he barely knew the guy who was claimed his son. But, he could do nothing but watch.

"Dammit...God...Dammit.." Tori mumbled. 

"Hey, if you want, i can help you. but you'll have to help me." Jeff said, gingerly walking over and squatting by the tall man's side. Tori glanced over at him, showing he was willing to hear what Jeff had to say.

"I'll get my people to help you kill every last bastard that comes to this house, and in return, we're taking Ben back." He stated, never taking his beady pupils off the man's brown, fluorescent orbs. Tori looked down at his fathers lifeless corps, then thought about Ben. He took a second to think about his childhood, and then about the past year Ben has been in his life. Taking way too long in Jeff's opinion to answer, he finally turned back to him.


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