Not the ideal date

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Jane was in her room brushing her hair when there was a knock on her door.

"What?!" She asked, angrily. Ben walked in.

"Hey, I need batteries for my-- where are YOU going?" Ben asked jumping on her bed.

"None of your business get out!" Jane said throwing her brush at Ben. Realizing what she did she insisted on it back. Ben inspected it then looked at Jane with a evil smile.

"Does Jeff know where your going?" He asked.

"No, and he doesn't need to. He's not my dad, I don't need his approval." Jane preached, crossing her arms and standing.

"Um, in case you forgot, he's the CP leader. You gotta tell him where you go at all times." Ben teased.

Jane was in a short, gothy, black dress. Wearing black wedges, with her hair hanging off her right shoulder.

"...JEEEEEEEEFFFFF!!!" Ben yelled with a smile. He ran out the door and Jane chased after him.

"BEN! GIVE ME BACK MY BRUSH!" Jane yelled.

"JEFF!! JEFF!! JEFF!!" Ben ran around yelling. He finally found Jeff in his room reading a book. Ben jumped over Jeff and his bed and took cover on the other side. Jane stopped at the door and stared at Ben angrily.

"You look nice, Jane." Ben joked. Jeff just stared at her with a surprised looked.

"What's with all the...shit?" Jeff asked going back to his book.

"I'm going on...a date." Jane said, taking a deep breathe and putting both hands on her hips.

"Says who?" Jeff asked looking back up at her.

"Says me! He'll be here in 5 minutes and I need to finish brushing my hair! Now, tell Ben to give me my brush back!" Jane demanded. Jeff just looked at Ben then back at his book.

"...Hello?!" Jane asked stomping her foot and putting her arms out.

"Hi." Jeff said glancing at her. They were all quiet for a moment.

"Ben, give her her brush." Jeff instructed. Ben gasped and Jane smirked. Ben threw the brush at Jane roughly and Jane caught it instantly.

"Jane." Jeff said as Jane started to walk away. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked back. "Be back by eleven, or I'll kill the bastard." Jane squealed happily and ran back to her room.

A few minutes later Jane was downstairs sitting on the couch, when Jeff came in.

"Who is this guy anyway?" Jeff asked, standing in front of Jane with his hands in his pockets.

"I've been dating him for a while." Jane said smiling and crossing her legs. "But this is the first time he's coming to get me. usually I'd meet him somewhere but this time he's picking me up.

"Mm...What's he look like?" Jeff asked.

"Well...He's tall...uh..he's uh, very considerate and--" Then there was a knock at the door. Jane squealed and fixes her dress as she happily ran to the door.

Jeff leaned on the wall a short distance away as Jane opened the door. Jeff's jaw slowly fell as his whole body thrived with anger. Because there, at the door, stood No other than the legendary--Slenderman.

From afar Jeff and Slender stared at each other. Jeff put his angry game face on and glared at Slenderman.  Slenderman glared back, the only thing on his face was a frown. Jane looked back between Jeff and Slenderman.

"Slendy? Jeff? What's going on here?" Jane asked, holding her hands in front of her. Jeff then ran and threw himself onto Slenderman, knocking him off the porch and onto the ground. Jeff slid his knife out of his pocket and tried to stab Slenderman. Slenderman used one hand to hold Jeff's hand with the knife and the other to hold Jeff. Jane went over and grabbed Jeff by his hair and threw him across the yard.

"DON'T HURT HIM, JEFF!" Jane screamed, putting her hands on Slenderman's chest. JEFF wiped himself off as he angrily stomped back towards them. Jane stood up and clinched her fist whilst staring at JEFF as he got closer.


"I'm sorry Jeff, but I'm not about to stand watch while you murder my date!" Jane yelled back.

"Date my ass! Your not going on that date with this fucker!" Jeff shouted. Jeff roughly took hold of Jane's arm and began pulling her towards the house.

"JEFF! LET ME GO RIGHT NOW, YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!" Jane yelled as she fought Jeff's grip and tried to squirm out of his grip.

"Hey! Let her go, Jeff!" Slenderman yelled getting up and chasing after them. "She has nothing to do with me and you!" Jeff threw Jane back onto the porch, turned around and slung his knife into Slenderman's shoulder. He then ran over, jumped onto Slenderman's chest, and flipped as he roughly ripped the knife out.

"Get the fuck off my land." Jeff said after landing his amazing somersault. Slenderman then trotted off into the woods, holding his shoulder. He then rushed Jane inside and slammed the door behind them.

"WHY THE FUCK DO YOU RUIN MY LIFE?!" Jane yelled storming up the stairs.

"WHY THE FUCK DO YOU DATE EVERY DAMN CROOK IN THE FUCKING CITY!?" Jeff yelled following her. Ben, Hoodie, and Masky all stood at the end of the hallway and watched.

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM! GOD, I FUCKING HATE YOU!" Jane yelled slamming her door.

"Yeah, I'm used to it princess!" Jeff shouted stopping at the top of the stairs.

"GO TAKE YOUR KNIFE AND FUCK YOURSELF!" Jane yelled through her door. Jeff went into his room and slumped on his bed.

"What the hell happened?!" Hoodie ask as he stood at Jeff's doorway.

"She was going on about this big date and when the fucker gets here, you'll never guess who it is." Jeff explains running his fingers through his hair.

"Who?" Hoodie asked.

"Fucking Slenderman."

"No way.."

"Yes fucking way."

Hoodie looked down the hall then walked away. A few seconds later he came back.

"Dude, she's crying." Hoodie informed, after coming back to Jeff's room. Jeff's face lit up in surprise. He sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his hair again.

"Shit,dude, I didn't wanna make her cry." Jeff said.

"Well, man." Hoodie said walking into the room and sitting next to him on his bed, "Only thing left to do is apologize."

Jeff went down the hall and gently knocked on the Jane's door.

"Who is it?" Jane asked in a raspy, small voice.

"Jane? it's me." Jeff said.

"Go away."

"Jane I wanted to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out on Slenderman like that." Jeff was quiet and then the door opened. Jane stood there, still in her same attire.

"You are way too controlling over me, Jeff." Jane said putting one hand on her hip.

"I know, but you know it's my job." Jeff said.


"But, if you want, you can go on your date."

"Really?!" Jane asked in a high pitch voice.

"Yeah, but be back in four hours." Jeff said.

"AAAAHH! Thanks Jeff, your the best!" Jane yelled. She grabbed her jacket and phone then hugged Jeff as she ran to and out the door. Jeff and Hoodie went to the door and watched as Jane excitedly ran off into the night. After a few seconds Jane's laughed echoed from far away.

"You did Good." Hoodie said squinting.

"I know what I fucking did." Jeff laughed as he walked off.

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