Kingdom Duties & Sickening Sights

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Kingdom Duties & Sickening Sights  


“So, what exactly did you want, Dad?” I grumbled while not meeting my father’s gaze.

We literally have been sitting here for what felt like hours and so far, he hasn’t said a single word to me. Here he is, calling me in here for a ‘father to son’ chat and he can’t even say the first line.

God, I wish that I was with Kat right now, I thought to myself.

I felt super guilty leaving Kat alone in the garden while she was so upset and it didn’t help that the reason she was upset was all because of my mother. I don’t know what it is that makes my mother say the things she does, but I know for a fact that once I take the thrown, it will end.

Since the beginning, my mother has looked down on Kat and usually, my mother just ignores her or says little rude comments, but saying that her deceased mother was worthless? That definitely crosses a line.

My mother and I usually aren’t on the same page when it comes to… well everything. My father, being the absentminded man that he is, always just goes along with what she says.

That’s the main reason why I escape from the palace (or skip my ‘king lessons’) as much as possible. I would love to take Kat with me outside the palace gates, but she is always under surveillance by the palace robots (because of my untrustworthy parents, might I add), so I never get the chance to take her out anywhere. If my calculations were correct, Kat has not left the palace grounds for at least a month.

In my mind, that is kidnapping; my parents have no right to keep her cooped up here, but every time I bring this issue to their attention, I always get the same reply: ‘It’s her father’s orders, not ours. He just doesn’t want his daughter in danger.’

Danger my ass! My parents are under the impression that I am oblivious to what is going on, but I know better. Kat’s father, Simon Andrews, is being paid a large sum of cash to go through with the wedding and my parents are in charge of the whole operation!

When I had first chosen Kat as my bride, Simon was reluctant, but that was before my parents bribed him with a raise that he couldn’t turn down. From that day, even after his wife’s death, Simon Andrews has been behind my parents’ decisions about the marriage one hundred percent.

I know what you’re thinking. You chose Kat as your bride, so technically it is your entire fault that the wedding is even happening.

I agree to disagree. It was like I was at gun point with my parents. They forced me to pick someone, so why not pick someone I decently liked? Kat wasn’t even my friend at the time, but she was the closest thing I had.

In the past, nobody at school liked me. I was an outcast, a stereotypical prince who was supposedly stuck up and selfish. Boy, were they wrong. I can’t even tell a lie without clearly giving myself away! Let’s just say that lying wasn’t my strong point. Kat always laughed at me when I lied because unfortunately, I blush bright re-

“Have you listened to a single word I’ve said?”

Um, what? Shit, dad was talking… Think Dexter, think!

“Uh, yeah Dad. Sorry, the wind outside was kind of loud, could you possibly repeat your last sentence?”

Yup, that proves it. I’m most definitely not good in the lying department.

My father shook his head; his eyes showing me his obvious disappointment. “Young man, that day dreaming has got to stop! And I mean it!”

My father’s voice echoed throughout his office, making me shrink into the leather chair that I was sitting in.

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