Deep Promises & Celebration Feast

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Deep Promises & Celebration Feast


Despite the muggy heat, the floor was cold that morning. I had woken up earlier than I expected (I was the type of person who never woke up early on purpose), so the cold chill of the morning air was a different element to me. Especially since I woke up alone.

I had turned in bed to find that Noel wasn’t there anymore. I ventured into Noel’s kitchen to look for him, but after scoping around, I couldn’t seem to find him. I started to shiver every five seconds because I was only in my underwear from yesterday, so if I couldn’t find Noel, I might as well find the clothes that he lent me.

I searched Noel’s room again and even got on my hands and knees to look underneath the little furniture that was in the only other room in the house. I saw my torn wedding dress across the room in a discarded pile, but I wasn’t even considering putting that back on. Even if that were possible and Noel hadn’t actually ripped it to shreds. I crawled around for a minute and just as I was underneath the kitchen table, I practically bonked my head underneath it when I heard a deep chuckle from behind me.

“I’m liking this new look,” Noel chuckled again and when I turned to look at him, he was standing causally in his bedroom doorframe, wearing the only pair of shorts that he had with nothing else. They were ratty blue shorts and the skin shirt that he called ‘his chest’ was beaded with sweat. Where the hell did he go at this time of the morning? Who in their right mind is even up right now?

I scrambled off of my hands and knees and brushed myself off, even though there wasn’t really anything that I needed to brush. A black strapless bra and embarrassing panties was all I had, so no wonder the jerk just stood there while I practically mooned him for a solid ten minutes. Hormonal men. What pigs.

I was tempted to cross my arms and show him that I wasn’t impressed with his stunt, but I learned from experience that wearing just your underwear and crossing your arms tended to get the male gender distracted. I forced my hands to go stiff at my sides and just rolled my eyes instead. Noel knew that was an obvious signal, even if he didn’t care that I was mad at him. He knew that I was just joking.

“Stop being a boy for just two seconds and help me find some clothes,” I muttered and scanned the kitchen again in hopes of finding some sort of scrap of clothing. At this rate, I would take a curtain wrap or a tarp to cover me. I was freezing and my skin was forming permanent goose bumps!

Knocking the breath out of me, Noel pulled me forward by the space in the middle of my bra and placed his hands on my waist. There was an everlasting indent on my hips and waist now because that’s where Noel’s hands always were. It felt great to have them back there again. It was like I never left.

“And what if I don’t help you?” He whispered.

I looked up at him for a retort, but I was silenced when I saw his eyes. Noel’s bottomless pit of blue holes in his face that just blew me away. They were beautiful and I could never handle being this close to them. It was like I was having a heart attack.

Thinking about his eyes reminded me that I didn’t have a dream last night. This never happened. I was always blessed with Noel’s presence in my dreams and then he would disappear on me after we would share a heartfelt, heated kiss. Once my eyes were shut, I was never greeted with just blackness and empty thoughts. Noel always found a way into my brain, but last night was different. I didn’t just dream a different dream, but instead, I just didn’t dream at all.

I didn’t know if this was a good sign or a bad sign.

Pros: No more horrifying reoccurring dream? Maybe?

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