Knock yourself out

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He woke up in a comfortable bed in a familiar room. After his eyes adjusted to the light he was able to pinpoint his location; his room at the Creatures House.

He sat his beaten body up and stretched. At first, he couldn't remember a thing that happened, but, soon enough his memory became less hazy and he was able to recall the important events.

Going to his old house, getting beat, Eddie barging in, his father revealing his ears and him passing out.

"Oh no," he thought. "My ears."

He felt his head and breathed a sigh of relief as he touched the fabric of his light blue beanie; if he was lucky, Eddie had been the only person to see.

He felt his eyes water; he didn't want Eddie to have seen him for what he truly was, a freak. He had grown fond of him, Sly was his first friend and now, he probably hated him because of his goddamn animal parts.

Why? Why him, out of all people? Why did he deserve to be cursed with such a horrible life ever since his birth? The one time he actually felt happy was ruined because of himself.

He got up and dragged his sore body down the stairs to the kitchen. He took out a bottle of water and look at the time marked on the microwave, 6:12.

He had been out for a while then, at least three hours. He wandered around the house in search of any of his friends. He searched around with no success until he reached the recording room.

He heard voices laugh and yell so he hesitantly entered, awaiting a reaction.

Once he was visible to everyone, silence invaded the noisy atmosphere and all eyes went on him, including Eddie's.

"Uh, hi?"

Everyone cheered and got up from their seats, walking up to him.

He received a hug from Seamus and James at once.

"Look who finally woke up!" James exclaimed sarcastically even though a clearly overjoyed grin was plastered on his face, patting his back.

"Yeah, about time, sleeping beauty," Seamus added, punching his shoulder.

He smiled and tried not to flinch at the two friendly actions; as gentle as they were, they still caused his bruises to throb.

"Good to be back, guys. If you don't mind me asking, what happened while I was out?"

"We don't know," Jordan started, sounding as clueless as he was. "All we know is you passed out and Eddie carried you and your stuff back to the car."

He looked at Eddie, who looked back with an unreadable expression and gulped.

He did hate him, just as he thought. He did his absolute best to push the negative thoughts in the back of his mind, not wanting to start bawling in front of the whole group.

"So, what were you guys doing?"

"Just finished a recording of TreeTopia," Sp00n explained.

"Oh, okay," he spoke before pausing briefly. "What's 'TreeTopia'?"

Ze chuckled, "It's a reboot of one of our old series, Treehouse."

He smirked, "A treeboot?"

They all groaned as Dan laughed.

"You see? We should call it the Treeboot!"

"Anyways, Sp00n?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah?" the other responded, already heading for his room.

"When do you plan on editing the footage?"

"When I feel like it!"

"Fine," Jordan agreed, loud enough to be heard on the second floor. "Just do it soon; we're almost out of episodes!"

"Okay, Mom!" Sp00n shouted back, causing James to laugh.


Ze nudged the teen with the red baseball cap in the side playfully, "Loosen up, Koots; he'll do it."

"Koots?" Aleks inquired; he never heard a nickname like that before,

"It's the abbreviation of my YouTube name, Kootra."

"Oh, okay."

"Anyways, I'm going to go study for my chemistry exam Monday, see you guys later!" Ze announced, going to his room also.

"I'm going to Monica's!" Jordan informed from the front door.

"Who's-" Aleks started.

"My girlfriend!"

"Oh, you do that!"

Dan walked to the front door, "I'm going to my girlfriend's, Liz's house."

Aleks turned to the last three and looked at the couple, "And I'm guessing you guys have something planned too."

"Dinner and a movie, later!" Seamus said, dragging James to the entrance.

"Bye!" he shouted.

"So, what do you want to do?" the Latino questioned.

"Um, I don't know, what do you want to do?"

Eddie pushed his glasses back up his nose, "We could look at the comments on the new Daily video together, like I promised."

"Uh, sure," he agreed, walking to the other end of the room, where Eddie and his monitors were, his friend following close behind.

He sat down at his seat and waited for Sly's computer to turn on, deep in thought.

Why hadn't Eddie brought his ears up? Was him finding out just his imagination? Was he trying to avoid the topic?

Eddie's clicking and typing interrupted his thoughts and he looked away from the screen, not wanting to read the comments.

"Want me to read them?"

"Knock yourself out," he permitted.

"Okay, here goes nothing."

Eddie started listing of comments as he scrolled down. "'Ugh, who's that loser?', 'Get that no-life Alex out of there, he's not even funny!', 'Why do even record with Alex, he's so mean! He burned down your house for crying out loud! He's not even funny Sly, he's just a jerk.', 'First!'."

He knew it, they hated him, exactly like he thought they would.

"Wait, read these ones, Aleks!"

He sighed and looked at the screen, not even caring anymore.

"'Wow, who's the new dude? He's hilarious! You should record more with him!', 'Alex is really awesome, subscribed!', 'Keep recording with Alex, he's a troll just like you!', 'Wow, Eddie and Alex are adorable together, I ship it!'."

He smiled, happy that some Homies actually did like him.

"You see? I told you they would like you!"

His smile grew wider as he looked back at the beaming Eddie.

"What's 'ship'?" he asked, recalling the last comment he had read.

"It's when fans if something want to people to be a couple, it's called 'shipping'. Some ships have names to them, like Jeamus for James and Seamus and SCManex for Kevin and Steven."

"What would our ship name be, then?"

"Probably something like ImmortalFox, we'll see what the fans come up with."


Aleks twiddled his thumbs and looked down at his shoes, trying to make the quiet situation less awkward.


He gulped, "Yeah?"

"We need to talk about your... uh, your-."

"Ears?" Aleks finished.


"Fine but, not here, let's go to my room."

Here's the other chapter I sorta promised! Thank you very much for the 100+ votes, by the way, it means a whole lot to me, really. Enjoy! <3

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