No One is Going to Die Tonight

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He nuzzled into Eddie's neck further, mumbling a quiet agreement to his previous statement. He grinned against the warmth of his neck when he felt Eddie wrap firm arms around his body, giving his jaw a shy peck as thanks.

"Aw, aren't they adorable, James?" Seamus teased, placing his head on his own boyfriend's shoulder.

"So adorable I might throw up," he agreed with the same amount of playfulness in his tone, placing his hand on Seamus' waist.

A giddy smile appeared on his face as a blush rushed to cover it, completely noticeable over his pale complexion. His tail wagged at the complement; he didn't care if they were being serious of not.

"Actually, Aleks is really adorable," Seamus said.

It was Eddie's turn to hug him possessively, grip on him getting tighter. He heard the most silent growl resonate deeply from his throat.

"My Aleksandr," he reminded in the same childish way he had. "You can't have him."

James rolled his eyes with a smirk, scoffing as if to non-verbally say he wasn't interested in the first place, before putting on his disappointed act.

"Aw, why the fuck not? Haven't you heard of sharing?"

"I don't want to share him," he whined.

"And I don't want to be shared," he added.

The couple in front of them chuckled at his comment, James kissing Seamus' blonde mop of hair. Seamus smiled as a questioning expression shifted to replace the gleeful one that had been there mere seconds ago.

"So, are you nervous about telling the guys?"

The question took him slightly aback; he hadn't thought about that. He started over-thinking the situation unconsciously as he usually would before coming across a simple fact that changed everything. There was absolutely nothing to worry about. Seamus and James were together, everyone knew and no one judged so it would be the same for them, he hoped, at least. He felt the relaxing feeling of once again not having any care in the world as he sighed contently.

He shook his head before giving his explanation. "There's nothing to be nervous about. They're fine with you guys so what's the difference?"

James nodded, taking into account the important and valid point. "They were fine with the ears and the tail and nothing's going to be fucking weirder than that, right?"

"Yeah... right," he granted in a murmured tone.

He knew James was just trying to ease him about the ordeal, but didn't he know he really didn't like people thinking he was weird? He thought they were passed it already. He knew they would probably never think of it as normal, but he thought they had grown to be neutral about it. It saddened him, knowing that his closest friends still saw him as the freak he was.

Seamus turned to look at his significant other, smacking him upside the head.

"Ow! What the fuck did I do?" he yelled, removing his hand from the Irish teen's waist and rubbing the back of his skull in a failed attempt to relieve some of the pain.

Seamus ushered to him, a expecting and unbelieving, alarmed glint in his eyes. James glanced at him and seemed to quickly realize his mistake.

"Shit! Shit, Aleks, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it that way, really, I didn't!"

He nodded silently, only nuzzling himself further into Eddie in an attempt to console himself. "It's fine, James. I know you didn't mean it like that."

"Seriously, I'm really sorry, man!"

"Aleks, you should try saying that to Sly; he looks like he's about to murder James," Seamus suggested, glancing up nervously at his boyfriend.

He stood up and examined Sly's face, immediately noting the evident signs of his anger right away; he was grinding his teeth, his face was red, his shoulder were tense and he shot daggers at their friend with his eyes, not to mention the tight grip on him that was beginning to suffocate him.

"Eddie? It's fine; that's not what he meant and you sure as Hell know it."

"Then what did he mean? I keep trying to convince myself that everyone has accepted you as you are, but comments like that always manage to change my mind! You guys should stop being shallow assho-"

He cut him off, pressing his lips firmly on his. As soon as their lips connected, he felt Sly's grip on him loosen as well as the tenseness in his shoulders. Eddie kissed back as if nothing was happening, like they were the only two in the world at that moment. His mind had managed to convince him of that very fact before he pulled away and snapped himself back into the harsh reality.

He stared into Eddie's eyes and saw the fury slowly fade away from them, only leaving the shine of the love-struck feeling he recognized all too well in the Latino's eyes.

"That's better. Are you still mad, Eddie?"

He sighed, shaking his head. "Only because I can't be mad at you," he clarified before the cocky glint he recognized easily appeared in his eyes. "Except if being mad means I get more kisses, I'm still fucking furious if that's the case."

He lifted his eyes skyward with a grin, pecking Sly's cheek softly before going back into his original position.

"There, no one's going to die. Tonight, at least."

"Damn, you guys work shit out easily," Seamus muttered, eyebrows raised in astonishment.

"Yup, it's one of the perks of being Eddie's boyfriend," he enlightened with a small grin and a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"Same for me," the Hispanic he laid on added.

"Well-" James started.

"James? Seamus? We're back!" Jordan's voice boomed from the first floor.

"Shut the fuck up, Hordan! I'm trying to ask fucking Sly and Aleks a motherfucking question!" the most popular YouTuber shouted at the top of his lungs, making him grimace as his ears retreated from the loud noise.

"Hey Aleks, hey Sly!" the four arriving housemates greeted simultaneously, loud footsteps already resonating through the house, announcing a new arrival to the floor they were at.

"So, what's," Sp00n started before noticing the obvious, romantic was Eddie and he were positioned in. "Up?" he finished, his tone more questioning than usual.

"They're dating," Seamus said, beaming.

"Really? Damn, congrats!" Sp00n exclaimed before cupping his hands in front of his mouth. "Hey guys!"

"What?" the other three asked from the floor above.

"Sly and Aleks are dating!"

Two congratulatory shouts were heard as well as an 'I knew it!' from Ze as they stomped their way down the spiral staircase.

"So, you guys are finally together?" Jordan questioned, adjusting his red baseball cap.

"Yup!" they confirmed at the same time, looking up at the four.

"Uh, what's this?" Dan asked, motioning the pillow fort they were in.

As they merely shrugged in response, Sp00n pushed his way in the middle of the two pairs and covered himself in blankets and pillows so only his head was visible.

"I don't care what this is, but I fucking love it. No one is every allowed to destroy it."

They all laughed before Sp00n received a pillow to the face, one James had thrown at him amidst the general laughing fit.

"Hey! Fuck you, asshole!"

He merely chuckled as he kissed Eddie's lower jaw delicately. If he was sure of something, it was that he wouldn't ask for a better life than this.

'Ello once again, loves! Still not the last chapter, but I think the next one will be! I know, I'm sad too. (I'm partially scared that most of those supporting the story will leave because it's over, but I don't want them to UnU!) My next one will be ImmortalFox and I already have the concept, I can tease it if you want in the comments!

Anyways, special thanks to StormiiiFanGirl, ShippityShipShipping, Timira_Da_Best and Jade2013g for the follows! <3 Also a special thanks to all of those who have voted on my stories; because of you, I have achived an amazing milestone, 1k total votes! Yay!

(I just fucking noticed ChancesAreRage mentions me on her profile page at the very bottom saying that I'm pretty awesome! '////' This is by far one of the best weeks of my life!)

Now, back to hte lame Tumblr arts before bed! Fun fact: some of my lovely followers actually already reblogged/liked my art without knowing it was me! That also made me really happy!

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