Got it?

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'This is going to be awkward,' he thought, walking to the row of leather chairs.

Hopefully Eddie would just act like nothing happened and they could just play Call of Duty as planned, avoiding the awkwardness.

He sat down in the second recliner, directly next to Sly who was looking intently at the screen, switching options in the menu of the game.

"Hey," he heard him mumble, eyes still glued onto the screen, only turning his head slightly towards him.

"Hey," he muttered back, grabbing the second controller from the floor.

Silence took over as Sly finished preparing the game and, just before he had the option to start it, he turned to face him.

Eddie sighed, sounding visibly regretful. "Look Aleks, I'm really sorry about earlier, I didn't expect you to, you know," he trailed off.

He nodded quickly, wanting to put the uncomfortable situation behind them. "Yeah, I get it. Don't worry, it's fine."

Sly just looked down, his face expressionless.

It saddened him to see his usually so peppy friend regretting something that could be do easily forgiven. Because of this, he nudged him playfully to lighten the heavy atmosphere.

"Ready to get your ass kicked again?" he taunted with a cocky smirk.

Eddie snapped out of his thoughts and looked at him with his own over-confident smile. "We'll see who gets their ass kicked this time."

And with that Sly pressed the button needed in order to start the duel, leading to numerous insults, cursing, shoving and yells of victory.

Eddie whooped gleefully as the video game announced his victory in the last match, the march that coincidentally determined the winner. He pumped his fist in the air before bragging.

"Who's got their ass kicked now, motherfucker?" he exclaimed, obviously not expecting an answer from the noticeably grumpy Russian.

Aleks crossed his arms and turned away from the Latino jokingly but, by the looks of it, it seemed as though Sly thought he was actually angry with his loss.

"Aw, c'mon, Aleks! Don't be like that!" Eddie pleaded, leaning to try and look at his face.

He turned the opposite way, pouting and making his ears flatten to make his act more convincing.

"C'mon, I don't like it when you're silent like this, it's no fun!"

He only lifted his head higher, acting like a stubborn two-year old who didn't want to eat his vegetables, turning his head around just to avoid Eddie's gaze on his face.

All of a sudden, he felt hands tickle his ribs. He tried his best to hold his laughter in and actually managed to succeed for a few seconds. However, after a few more seconds, he couldn't help but enter a laughing fit.

He turned to where Eddie was sitting and tickling him, trying to pry his hands of his.

"S-Stop!" he ordered between laughs, trying and failing at sounding authoritative.

Eddie smirked teasingly. "What was that? You'll need to speak louder if you want me to hear you."

"Dammit d-dude, s-stop!"

His protests only encouraged Sly to torture him for a longer period of time and only stopped when he was barely breathing.

Once Sly stopped, he gasped for air, still chuckling slightly.

He glared at the teen angrily and raised his middle finger at him while he tried to catch his breath.

"Wow, rude," Eddie commented, giggling.

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