Chapter 1- "Next time I recommend listening and not staring."

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"Bye Mom!" I yell hurrying out of the door, my bag around my body. Nearly tripping on my untied shoes.

"Bye Sweetie! Have a fun first day!" My mom yells sweetly as the door closes.

I roll my eyes. Fun. Highschool, bitchy girls, boys full of hormones, tests, stress. You name it.

"Hey princess, excited for the first day."

I groan. "Ew, you are?" I ask throwing my back in backseat.

He laughs. "Hell no. Just tried to lighten your morning mood." I give him a mocking smile. He rolls his eyes.

"Thanks though Liam for getting me today." I say getting into the car.

"Of course I wasn't going to make you take the bus. Your royalty remember."

I laugh. "Royalty my ass." He laughs. "Have you met me?" I through my feet onto his dash and tie my shoes.

"Yes Quinn, known you all my life."

"Lets just go before we are late." He smirks runs his hand threw his blonde hair. His dimples showing whenever he smirks or smiles.

"Fine." He pulls out of my driveway.

We sit in silence till we reach school. I look in his mirror, and try to make my boring long brown hair look decent. All I hear is a laugh from behind me.


"You never care about what you look like, why today?" He asks leaning against his dark blue car.

"Who knows Liam, I might meet a cute boy." His smile fades then quickly returns.

"You? Care about boys?"

I smile. "Don't worry." I fix his hair and smile at him when he glares. "Most of the boys at our school are just jerks with bad hormones." He laughs.

I get out of the door and look at out school. "Jr. year." I breathe. "Lets hope this one is better then the other two." I mumble swinging my bag back around me.

I walk inside with Liam by my side our hands just grazing each other.

"Oh my god! Quinn!!" Someone yells running into me.

I turn around. "Ellie!" I yell and hug her, her nearly blonde brown hair hits my arms.

"Hey Liam." She says giving him a hug.

"Chill dude, she's mine." I see arms wrap around Ellie's waist.

"Trevor! What's up!" Liam says.

Liam and Trevor where friends before I met either of them, Basically those three are the only and I mean only people I socialize with.

"Listen, we'd love to stay and chat, but, me and Quinn got to go to class." Ellie says playing with his jacket.

"Fine." Trevor groaned. He gave her a quick kiss. "See you later babe!" He yells walking off with Liam. Liam gives me a tiny smile.

I through my stuff I don't need in my locker and head to class with Ellie.

Art. My favorite class. It's the only way I survived my life. We got to our table in the back of the room. Our table. It was practically ours, we spent every day back here last year. Our names are even in the desk. I smiled when I saw they were still there. Everyone was chatting about their summer and we just hung in the corner. Everyone got silent when the teacher Mrs. Cross came in.

"Okay everyone." She said handing out new sketch books. "We will start the new school year drawing one thing that means the world to us, and at the end of the year we will see if that has changed."

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