Chapter 19- "I've Been Waiting To Do That."

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The smell of pancakes wake me up from my slumber, a safety away from everything. The smell isn't just regular pancakes it's chocolate chip. Which my mom only makes on my birthday. I smile flashes across my face as I throw on some socks to beat the freezing cold floors that winter brings and hurry downstairs.

"Happy birthday Honey!" My mom says pulling me into a big hug.

"Happy birthday Quinnie!" My sister yells joining in the hug.

"Thank you." I tell them both as I sit down at the counter next to my sister.

My mom gives us both two pancakes. I look over at the Christmas tree. Then back at my mom. The tree had so many more gifts this year. She gives me a wink. I nudge Penny and point to the Christmas tree. She smiles and springs out of her chair and runs to the tree already tearing through her first gift. Me and mom laugh till we both go over to join her once I was done with my pancakes.

I look at the tattered wrapping paper and plastic wrap. I love Christmas. We haven't been able to have one so large in a long time.

"Quinn." My mom says. I get up off the floor and meet her in the kitchen. "I have to go to work today. I'm so so sorry but you know how busy it is on Christmas."

"Of course." She does this every Christmas. "Ellie is coming over so it will be fine."
She smiles.

"Okay good. I'm taking Penny to a friends house for the night so you guys order whatever you want for dinner, I'll leave money on the counter." I nod and my mom grabs her coat and penny's and heads out. Sighing I relax on the couch. I turn on the TV and call up Ellie.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She yells through the phone cutting me off.
"Thanks." I say laughing. "My mom just left with Penny, when will you be able to come by?"
"Trevor will be picking me up any moment and we will be over." I smile.
"Okay. See you guys soon."

I decide I should make my self sorta decent so I make my way up stairs and take a quick shower. When I get out I throw on some easy jeans and a sweater and go back downstairs.

"Happy birthday!!!!" Ellie and Trevor yell opening the door and nearly giving me a heart attack.

"God, damn it guys. It's my birthday not my death date." I say taking a deep breath.

"Sorry but our gift will make up for it." She says smiling handing me over a paper bag. I give her a look and search through it. My hand grazes over a velvet box. I look at the two of them grinning wildly. I take out the box and put the bag on the ground. I open the box and my jaw drops.

"Guys this is beautiful." I say admiring the charm bracelet they got me.

"Let me help you." Ellie comes over and helps me put on the bracelet. "See it says E and Q Forever. On this charm. And this one." She says pointing to a charm with four people on it. It's you me, Trevor and Liam." She says Liam's name quietly. I laugh at her and pull them both into a hug.

"It's amazing, thank you." I feel Ellie relax.

"Of course! Now can we watch some movies and eat?" I laugh and lead them over to the couch.

It's around 10 at night and we spent the most of the day laughing over movies eating food and playing some old video games. We hear a knock on the door.

"I got it." I say getting up knowing its the pizza guy. I open the door and see a very disheveled Hunter. My breath hitches.

"I'm sorry." He starts. "I know you didn't want me to come but I felt horrible and it's your birthday and I- I'm sorry." He says quickly his words mashing together.

"It's okay." I say quietly unable to reject him. He looks like a puppy that got kicked. I wanted to. To tell him he hurt me but I couldn't, not to him. His face lights up.

"Here I got you a gift." He pulls another velvet box out of his pocket. I take a deep breath and open it. A beautiful necklace lays inside of it.

"H-Hunter, this is beautiful." I say looking at it.

"Here let me help you." I pick up my hair so he can clasp the necklace around my neck. His touch sends shiver though my body. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have butterflies in my stomach this whole time. The things this boy does to me. He lays the cool chain around my neck, I felt him warm breath on my neck causing the air to stand up. He wraps his arms around my waist and I don't refuse. I lay back into him enjoying this moment. I missed not talking to him. Watching the snow fall. He spins me around so I'm facing him. I wrap my arms around his neck and look into his green eyes. Searching them. His hands never leave my waist. I look down hiding from his stare, feeling like he knew everything with just one look. He moves one of his hands off my waist and picks my chin up to look at him. He looks back at my face then my lips then my eyes.

God damn it just kiss me already. He saw I wanted him to kiss me because that's exactly what he did. His warm lips crash into mine. My eyes widen with surprise then I close them, kissing him back. My body fills with the warmest feeling ever, sending shivers down my skin. This was that feeling everyone talks about when they have their first kiss. And god it's wonderful. He pulls away. I feel my heart drop, did I do something wrong? I open my eyes and see him grinning wildly at me.

"I've been waiting to that." He whispers. I smile.

"And I've been waiting for you to do that." I whisper back. He smiles at me.

"Am I still not aloud to come for your birthday?" He asks.

"I think you made up for it." I say with a smile. As if right on cue the pizza guy shows up.

"Pizza for Quinn?"

"That's me." I hand him a 20 dollar bill. "Keep the change."

"Thank you." He says taking the money and handing me the pizza.

We walk into the house. The pizza in one hand and one hand loosely in Hunters.

"Guys I got the pizza." I announce walking in. They all look at Hunter. "Right." I start to blush. "I've also found a wild Hunter on my front porch." Trevor seems to buy my excuse and gets up to get a slice. Ellie looks at us analyzing us. Trying to put the pieces together. I give her a pleading look not to mention it and that I'll tell her later. She understands and joins us for pizza. We all get our pizza sit back down in the living room. "What are we gonna watch now?" I ask everybody.

"Oo!" Ellie shouts. "Can we watch mean girls?" I laugh as the boys groan.

"Awe come on, I bet neither of you have seen it yet." I interject.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean we want to cupcake." Hunter groans.

"Well too bad it's my birthday and we are watching it." Ellie turns it on and the movie starts to play. Ellie is next to me with Trevor by her side holding her hand. Hunter pulls me closer to him but quiet enough Ellie and Trevor don't notice.

"Fine." He whispers. "But if I'm watching this you need to stay with me during it." I instantly swoon.

"Deal." I whisper back.

And don't be a stranger!
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