Chapter 21- "Do You Like, Like Her?"

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School starts in about an hour and I'm terrified. I don't know if me and Hunter are a thing and I don't want to be the one to ask and sound needy. We've Hung out together most of break, but I don't think we went on any real dates, I mean he's asked me out casually but not in a really asking me out fashion, you know? I haven't seen Liam since the day after my birthday and I really need to figure out how to get my best friend back. I like Hunter I really really do but I don't wanna mess things up with everyone else.

I pull myself out of bed after a few minutes of contemplating skipping. Groaning at the cold temperature in my house I hurry to the bathroom to take a shower.

When the warm water leaves the shower turning into cold I quickly turn it off, cursing under my breath and grabbing a towel, hurrying to my room.

I throw on a pair of black skinny jeans with a plain white tee and a sweatshirt. Nodding at my appearance I throw on my new pair of boots and go back into the bathroom to blow dry my hair so I at least don't look like a wet dog.

I smile at my thoughts of Hunter and I and grab my mascara. I gotta at least try a little.

I was never one to try for a boy, I never cared what they thought but something about Hunter makes me want to try.

Smiling at my appearance I leave the bathroom and grab my backpack from my desk.

"Penny!" I yell banging on her door, "lets go our ride will be here in a moment!" 

Our mom had a meeting in Florida so she will be gone for a few days. She swore it was a business meeting but she owns her own business what could she be possibly doing?

"Im coming, I'm coming." She says walking out of her room upset. "Why do I have to go with you and your boyfriend? Why couldn't Sammy's mom get me?" she asks sulking.

"Because, your school is right next door to mine plus Hunter who is not my boyfriend," I say as I start walking down the stairs, "won't mind."

She follows behind me her feet making quick taps behind mine. "Sure Quinn, he's totally not your boyfriend." She says rolling her eyes.

I push her slightly. For a first grader she sure does have a lot of attitude to her.

I hear Hunters car honk outside of the house. "He's here already! I didn't even get to eat breakfast!" Penny screams upset.

"I told you to hurry up. Grab an apple from the counter." I say getting to the bottom of the stairs and pointing to the kitchen.

She crosses her arms upset I didn't make her any food before running and grabbing the apple. I chuckle adjusting the strap on my bag.

"Let's go." I say leading her outside.

We get towards Hunters car and I open the back door for penny. I lean on the open window and look at hunter and he looks at me.

"You don't mind dropping my sister off at school for me? My mom is away for a few days." I say giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Of course I don't mind." He says giving me a smile and I return it getting into the front seat.

"Penny this is Hunter, Hunter Penny." I say grabbing my seat belt.

"Nice to meet you Penny." He says with a small smile.

"You too." She says shyly a small pink tint flashing across her face.

Hunter and I laugh a little bit making her blush even more.

He comes towards me and whispers "I guess all of the Knoll girls swoon over me."

I blush slightly but cover it up with a laugh. "You wish Avery, you wish."

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