Chapter 12- "You Dont Have Any Proof."

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(This chapter has some graphic stuff in it that might upset some readers. So please know while reading this I do not intend to upset anyone. Please skip that part if you don't not want to read it! And please read the A/N at the end of the story)

The events of last night come rushing back as I'm asked a million questions by the police. But I'm silenced. I'm unable to speak. My lips where sewn shut last night as my brain replays the memories. I want to cry, scream and yell but nothing comes out. All I can do is nod.

"Mr. James attempted rape last night is that correct?"

Yes I think. I want to say it. I want to say my story. Instead I nod.

"And did you think he was going to do it?"

No. Well yes. I saw the signs. The touching, the over comforting. But I didn't see what the signs lead up to. It was like a unknown road with street signs and you don't know which one will take you where. I shake my head no.

"He says you provoked him to start. You gave him permission. Is this true Mrs. Knolls?"

Hell no! I want to scream at this guy. I want to say he's wrong and he's lying. But I can't. I shake my head no one last time. I wonder where Hunter is. What are his questions like. I want to leave this coffin sized room with a desk in the middle. It feels like hell. I look out the door and see Luke walk pass. He glares at me. I need to leave now. I need Hunter. I feel the tears wanted to escape as the room closes around me.

"Mrs. Knolls? Did you hear me?" I shake my head no again. "You may go for now. We will call you when a court date is set." I nod and walk out. Checking to make sure Luke isn't anywhere to be seen. And I run. I run out of the building into the fresh air. I was starting to have a panic attack in that room. I sit on the warm concrete ground and cry. I hear someone sit on the ground next to me. I don't bother to look up.

"Damn are people always so nosey?" I hear Hunter say. I smile knowing this was his attempt to make me feel better. He doesn't say anything for a moment. I look up at him from my arms. My wrists have bruises on them from Luke. My side is purple from Callie. I couldn't catch a break. I sigh looking at my arm. Damn I just want to say everything but I can't. I look at Hunter again. I try to form words but give up. "I know Cupcake, I know." He reaches out for my hand and I give it to him.

My mom pulled me into a huge hug when she got to the station last night. I wanted to pull away but I knew it would only scare her  more.
"Sweetie? Are you okay?" Nothing came out of my mouth. "What happened! Your bruised!" Nothing. I wanted to tell her I got into a fight, that I was almost raped. But my mouth couldn't move. I decided to let the cops do all the talking and Hunter. She thought hunter did it. Yelled at him. He calmly said he didn't and that Luke did.

"We cannot do anything about Mr. James." I look up at the judge. I wanted to yell and scream. I didn't even get a trial.

"What the hell!" Hunter yells.

"There's no proof."

"No proof! No proof? I was there. She's bruised. Her word isn't good enough? My word isn't good enough!" He's yelling at the judge. I don't say anything.

"Mr. Avery please-"

"No. This is bullshit!" I look at hunter then back at the Judge. He's not getting anywhere with his yelling.

"There's no other police reports on him. No nothing. Mrs. Blue didn't tell us her story, we only have yours, his and Callie's. And she stated she didn't see anything." Now I wanted to yell. She watched him pull me away. Maybe this was her revenge. Hunter runs a hand threw his hair. I don't even get upset by the disheveled hair. I don't even know what it is to be fully upset anymore. I look at the judge one last time. I analyze his face. "I'm sorry Quinn there's nothing more we can do." And with that I got up and left Hunter follow close behind after glaring at him. I see Luke with his family, he winks at me before leaving into his car. And all the memories from the night come rushing back.

I couldn't sleep that night. I was awoken By nightmares every time I tried to sleep. The same one. Me in a Corner of a room. Completely naked. People surrounding me then disappearing. My body covered in bruises and blood. Then it's just me and him. I await his punishment, An uncrated wonder. "Please." I whisper to him. He grins wickedly and then winks. That's when I awaken.

I shudder.

I get up for school the next day after missing a week of it I decided I should finally go. Sick of Liam bringing me the work I missed and having to teach me without me speaking. I throw on something that covers almost every inch of my body. A long sweater with black leggings and high socks with boots. Throwing my hair up in a bun. I run downstairs and ignore my mothers good morning and grab an apple. Hunter told he would get me today and walk me into school. I didn't say no. He pulls up right on time and I wave goodbye to my mom.

"Morning cupcake." I ignore him and take a bite of my apple. He sighs and turns on the radio some classical stuff turns on and I look at him and stifle a giggle. He laughs as well. "This blasted thing likes to play whatever it likes." He says turning the station to a different one. I look at him with a smirk. And cross my arms. "Fine, it's relaxing cupcake. You should try it." I shrug and don't laugh. Even though I want too.

We get to school and all eyes are on me. Hunter pulls me closer to him but I push my self off. It won't help. The looks would go from confusion to envy and I don't need that today. Walking down the hall to my locker I see scowls cross people's face. Looking at me in disgust. I get to my locker and see the words "slut" and "liar" painted onto it. My breath hitches. I see Callie give someone a high five. That someone was Luke. Hunter sees them and walks over with envy in his eyes.

"What the hell Cal!" Cal? What happened to Callie.

"I don't know what your talking about Hunt." Again with the nicknames. "You don't have any proof." She says emphasizing the proof. Looking at me and laughing. I try to ignore Luke's wink and turn towards my locker.

"Slut." I hear the words the whole day. It rings in my head. "Liar." Everything. I see the words everywhere. It was the last period of the day. All I needed to do was survive today. History. I felt a ball of paper hit my head and I turn to look for the source. I couldn't tell who but I picked up the paper. Bad idea. Your a fucker and a lier. Die. I heard those words all day. But the note made it so much more real. Knowing the teacher wouldn't care if I asked to leave. I got up my self and walked out.

(Sensitive part)

My mom was at work when I got home. I looked at the note over and over again. And read it a million times. I got messages from kids at school calling me a slut, and a lier. I even got one from an unknown number saying I shouldn't have called the cops. You should die. And god knows I want to right now. I need something to take the pain off of my head. Something to stop me from thinking about the mental pain. I read the note once more and tuck it into a drawer and go to my bathroom. Five. That's all I do. Five slices across my wrist. That's all five. I don't feel anything. It doesn't help. I quickly clean up the blood on my sink and look at my self in the mirror. I feel like a slut. A whore. I grab the scissors in my medicine cabinet. My hand crazing over the pills. And I take a slice to my hair. Watching it fall down. I was loosing a part of my self. And it made me feel even more lost. I didn't cut enough off to need it to be up to my ears. My hair is long enough to still have it long if I wished too. I look at my arm, the blood still dripping over. I grab a towel and rub the blood. Making my arm red. I grab my sweater and throw it on covering my arm. I hear my phone go off and I hesitate not wanting another message but I do so anyways.

"He raped me too." - Unknown.

Suicide Hotline: 1- 800-273-8255
Rape Hotline: 1-800-656-4673

YOUR NOT ALONE PLEASE GET HELP IF YOU NEED IT! Message me if you need help or advice on ANYTHING!

Anyways! This was more of a deeper meaningful chapter. But I still hope you guys liked it! If you did please vote!
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Your not alone!
Stay positive!

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