Chapter 25- "When Your Helpless." Part 1

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I awoke feeling the cool beach breze, remembering where I was and small grin pulled at my lips. Then I remembered what day it was.

"Hunter," I whisper. Nothing. "Hunter," I say a bit louder. He lets out the sound that sounds like a groan mixed with a yawn.

"Yeah?" he asks pulling away from me and rubbing his eyes.

"It's Thursday and," I look at the time on my phone, "7:30 in the morning," He shoots up and sand falls around him. "My mother is going to kill me." I say getting up shaking off the sand on me.

"Kill you?" He asks doing the same. "She's going to murder me." I roll my eyes and grab my dress off of the sand, still soaking wet.

I pick up my shoes as well and Hunter grabs his shoes and we make our way back to his car. Not caring that we are late for school, we walk together like nothing is happening, like theres no worry in the world.

We get to his car and my expression changes. Upset to be going back to life.

"That upset for the date to be over cupcake? I promise we will have another one." He says giving me a devious smirk in the car.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Sleeping next to you would help." I roll my eyes. Annyoing flirt Hunter is back.

I get in the car and Hunter starts the engine. We pull away from the beach and I open the window, listening to the crashing of waves one last time.

We pull up in front of my house and I let out an anxious sigh.

"You sure you don't want me to come inside and take part of your mothers anger?" Hunter asks putting his hand on mine.

"No it's fine," I pull away and open the car door. I take a deep breath and make my way to the house.

I get to the front door and wave goodbye to Hunter, he waves back before backing out of my drive way.

I open the house door and see my mother scrambling something into a notebook. Her glasses falling off her nose. Shes like me and only wears her glasses when she needs too. I study her posture, her body hunged over, her face looks tired. It's the first time she ever looked old, a piece of grey hair falls over her glasses and she pushes it behind her hair with anger.

"Mom?" I say quietly. She looks up and lets out a relived sigh.

"God do you know how worried I was, Quinn if anything I was hoping for a phone call."

"I know, I-"

"No Quinn, you can't just apologize, I needed to know where you were, I needed to know you were okay." She says cutting me off.

"Mom i'm sorry." She's never gotten this mad at me before.

She looks at me then at the floor. "Quinn sit down.," She says pointing to the chair next to the one she was just sitting in. I follow her directions and sit down. She sits down at the one she was just in previously. She takes my hand in hers. "Your sister was just diagnosed with Pancratic Cancer." My breathing stops, I feel my heart sink, my body trembling. "It turns out your dad's grandmother had it and that's how she passed away." I look up at my mother, tears forming in her eyes. "Weve seen multiple doctors, that's where weve been lately. And they all have said the same thing," She stops and thinks choosing her words carefully. "Her 'sickness' has gotten to be too much for her. Her body can't handle treatments-"

"So what? We are just going to give up on her?" I ask anger lacing my voice, I just picture Penny's tiny body hooked up to a million machines.

"Q, you know thats not whats happening." I push my hand away from hers.

"I-im going to my room." I push my chair back.

"Quinn," My mothers voice gets drowned out by my footsteps up the stairs.

I get to my room and slam my door shut. Ripping a peice of paper from my notebook amd scribbling a note to my mom saying i'm going on a walk. I change out of my still wet clothes and into a an old paint t shirt and a pair of jeans. I grab my sketch book, some of my paints and paint cans and throw it all into an empty backpack. I open the window and swing my foot out and my other foot. I grab onto the near by tree and climb down. Making a quick run to the one place I can get my thoughts straight.

I get to the blank wall and pull my spray paint out and my sketch book. I shake the black and begin the outline, starting to draw my favorite drawing.

I write the words out in hot pink and back up to look at my work.

"Awesome drawing princess." Liam says walking up to me.

I let out a breath admiring my work as well.

"I stopped by your house once Hunter told me your mother might have murdered you." I let out a strained chuckle. "I saw your note and figured you'd be here. The place where Noah broke your heart." My small smile disapears, "The place your father came with Charlotte." He steps closer to me. "You come here," He takes a deep breath, "When your helpless."

"What are you doing here Liam?" I say trying to blink back the tears in my eyes.

"The question is, what are you doing here?" He asks suddenly close to me.



"Same thing." He takes my hand.

"Is it for your sister?" He asks stepping in front of me. I tear my eyes away from the wall and look at Liam. Lips shut. "Quinn." He says softly, moving a peice of hair that fell out of my bun behind my ear. "What's-"

I cut him off and stand on my tippy toes and kiss him. He kisses me back and I forget where I am, I forget what is going on. Then I remember who I'm kissing. I pull away. His hands wrapped around my waist. We both say nothing. My phone goes off in my pocket and I back up away from Liam and pull my phone out of my pocket.

"Y-yeah mom?" I say trying to shake off what just happened.

"I need you to come to the hospital. Your sister stopped breathing."

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