Chapter 26- "When Your Helpless." Part 2

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"Quinn?" Liam asks once I hang up the phone, hands trembling.

"Did you drive here?" I ask quickly. He nods. "Good I need you to drive me to the Hospital."


"Now," I cut him off. He takes my hand and I don't refuse. I feel like I'm not here. Like my body is here but my mind isn't.

He pulls me across the grass and into the parking lot. Without letting go of my hand he uses his other one to dig out his keys. Once he finds them he lets go of my hand to unlock the car. I get into the passenger side and close the door. My hands tremble as I grab the seat belt. Liam gets in the car as well. He looks at me, his face haunted with worry. He turns away and starts the car. We pull away from the park and I stare at the wall I had just painted. Anxiety becoming my feeling, the first feeling my body feels. Like it was a splash of cold water when I was passed out. How could everything go so wrong in just a matter of hours. If I agreed with Hunter and just stayed on the beach everything would be okay right now, I wouldn't know about Penny, I wouldn't have kissed Liam. Everything would be okay.

We pull up to the hospital. The dull outside brings shivers down my spine. I quickly pull my seatbelt off and open the car door. Leaving my bag I start to run, running to the front door.

"Quinn hold up!:" Liam yells behind me. I ignore him, I continue running till I'm inside.

The nurse at the front desk looks up from her papers. "Can I-"

"I'm looking for Payton Knolls" I say out of breath. I hear Liam come behind me and take my hand in his. I shrug it off, not being parlized anymore.

"That way. Room 104. Children's ward." The young nurse who must be in her 20s says, pointing to the hallway.

I nod a thanks and make my way down the hallway, my sneakers making slight noises across the bright white tiles under the bright yellow lights.

I see my mother in the room through the glass door andI break into a run. Shes talking to a nurse, looking distressed, worse then this morning.

"Mom," I whisper, my voice gone when I get into the room.

She turns around and gives me a grim smile, "Quinn." I crash into her and she wraps her arms around my body as I cry.

"Is she okay?" I ask once I've controlled my tears. I back away and see Liam there behind me. He gives me a small smile and gives my mother one as well.

"Yeah, currently." My mother says, "She's not getting worse and she's not getting better."

"So what do we do then?" I ask quietly, my voice sounding like a little girl again.

"We wait." I nod and take a seat by the door. Liam says a few words to my mother before taking a seat next to me.

"I'm scared Liam," I say looking at him.

He sighs, "I know princess. It's going to be alright." He runs a hand through my hair.

It must have been an hour when Hunter comes pushing through the doors. I pick my head up off of Liam's shoulder.

"I texted him," Liam says quietly. "I need to run out, I'll be back in an hour." He says getting off the chair. I get up as well and Hunter pulls me into a hug.

I feel guilt. My second feeling of today.

"Mom," I say pulling away from Hunter. She looks over at me and away from her book. "Hunter and I are going on a walk." She nods and I take Hunter by the hand and lead him out of the room.

"Why didn't you call me cupcake?" He asks softly once we leave the room. I bite my lip. I need to tell him or I'll never be able to live with myself. I look down at my feet. "Hey cupcake." He says lifting my chin so I'm looking at him. "It's okay." he says before planting a kiss on my lips. I back up. I can't do this. "Cup-"

"I kissed Liam," I say quickly. He takes a step back. "I'm sorry," I whisper.

"When?" He asks. Breaking my heart. His voice sounds so upset, so lost. My third feeling of today, heartbreak.

"About an hour and a half ago. I-I was upset and I didn't want to feel anything for a moment so I kissed him." He doesn't say anything. That frightens me even more then him yelling at me. "I'm so, so sorry Hunter." I say finally looking up.

"I need to, I need to go." That's when I felt the tears rolling down my face.


"Call me if anything changes with your sister Quinn." My name shot through me like a bullet. He stuffs his hand in his pockets and turns and leaves.

I feel the tears come rolling down my cheeks like a rain storm. "I'm sorry." I whisper again.

Nothing new with Penny. She was asleep when Liam drove me home. My mom stayed at the Hospital but she made me go home. It was probably midnight by the time Liam got to my house.

"Quinn, are you sure you don't want me to stay with you tonight?" Liam asks worried. I shake my head.

"No, I want to be alone." he nods and I open my car door.

"Call me if you need me princess," I give him a small smile.

"I will," I close the door behind me and make my way inside.

Once safely inside, I run upstairs to my room. I change into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I take a deep breath. I hear a small knock at my door. I sigh and make my way downstairs. The knock comes again and again.

"Hold on," I say walking down the stairs. The knocking doesn't stop. "Alright, alright, I'm coming."

I open the door and I see Hunter.

"Have you been drinking?" I ask smelling alchol as he breathes.

"No- I mean yes but-"

"Hunter did you drive here?" I ask worried. "Do you know how-"

"I slept with someone," There it goes. That feeling of heart break again. He's swaying. He doesn't know what he's saying.

"Hunter, you don't know what your saying." I say. Trying to belive that myself.

"I do cupcake. I'm sorry. I got upset that you kissed my idiot of a brother and that he was there for you and not me. So I went to the bar, had a few drinks and slept with the first girl that gave me attention." He looks up at me, almost pleading. "I messed up Quinn, I really did and I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I know that I shouldn't but please-"

"Get out," He looks taken back by my words, "Hunter I swear to god if you don't get out I will call the cops." I see his expression go from the tough guy to the broken guy. I felt tears stream down my face. "If you drove here leave your car, I will not have you end up in the hospital either." He looks like I punched him with those words. It's like he forgot what happened earlier.

"Quinn I'm sorry. I lo-"

I cut him off, "Don't you dare say that, don't you dare say those words after what you just admitted." I felt like I was going to throw up, like my body was shaking. "Please," I whisper looking at the floor.

He backs up and walks out. I close the door behind him and sit on the floor, leaning against the door. That wasn't the Alcohol talking, I saw it in his eyes. I felt what he was about to say. I did. And my god it hurt, it hurt that he cheated on me. That he slept with another girl. But it hurt more that I let myself get this broken again, Liam was right.

The bad boy did break me.

I'm trying to keep these author notes at the end shorter.
But I hope you enjoyed the past few chapters
I love you guys mucho

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