Chapter 9- "Miss me Yet Cupcake?"

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Normally I'd groan and throw a pillow at my mother when she would come upstairs to wake me up for school on a Monday, but today, today I was ready for some fun. Me and El went over the plan one more time before I went to bed last night. And I must say I'm excited. So when my mother woke me up, I got right out of bed and ran to the bathroom before my sister could get it. I took a quick shower and ran back to my room. Grabbing the outfit I picked out last night. Light wash ripped jeans with a white tank top, a flannel wrapped around my waist with a cardigan. Blow drying my hair and loosely curling my hair. I give myself a smile and throw on some mascara. I throw on my high top sneakers and head downstairs.

"Someone is in a good mood today." My mother says as I make my way down the stairs.

"You have no idea." I mumble hearing a horn outside of the house. "That's Liam!" I speak up avoiding any other questions about today. "Bye mom, bye Penny. Love you." I say quickly grabbing my back and leaving the house. Hearing mumbles from my sister as I close the door.

"Hey Q." Liam says with a smile. I return the smile hoping he won't mention the other night. It throw my bag into the front seat and slide in. He gives me a weird look and chuckles.

"What?" I ask looking at him.

"Nothing. It's just that it's Monday, your in a good mood and your on time. I just don't know if this is the real Quinn." He runs his hand through his hair.

"Liam!" I scream. Quickly reaching over to fix his now dis-shoveled hair.

"Yep it's the real you." He says starting the engine. I roll my eyes and lean back in my seat. Excited for what's going down today.

When we get to school I search the parking lot for Hunters car. I spot it and grin. Liam and I head inside the school and part ways to our separate lockers. I start putting my history and science books away that I wouldn't need when I hear a hand hit the locker beside me. I take a breath continuing to put my stuff away and close my locker and turn around. Seeing a very cocky version of Hunter standing in front of me. I raise an eyebrow.

"Miss me yet Cupcake?" He whispers in my ear causing me to shiver at the slightest.

"Nope." I say quickly not bothering to correct him. I wince at my words but try not to show it. His smirk fades but quickly returns.

"You sure Cupcake." He tries again empathizing cupcake this time like I didn't hear him the first time. I hold back every will not to correct him.

"Yeah pretty sure." I say again trying to avoid eye contact. I search behind him and see Liam walking down. "Excuse me." I say ducking under his arm my head grazing his sweatshirt. Leaving a very confused Hunter behind me as I walk up to Liam. Causing a smile to break out on my face. Point one Quinn.

"Actually Mrs. Cross I don't have my drawing." I tell the art teacher fiddling with my necklace. I've never missed an assignment before in art so I'm scared of what might happen.

"And why would that be Quinn?" She asks looking up from other kids assignments.

"Turns out after I drew my drawing he wasn't what I drew." I say with a sigh and can feel Hunters confusing eyes burn a hole in the back of my head. I shake my head trying to rid of the feeling in my stomach as I remember the other night.

She lets out a sigh. "Quinn, you've never missed an assignment so I won't give you a detention but I expect this to not happen again." I give her a simple nod. "Okay, go sit down now." I take my seat next to Ellie. She grabs my hand and gives it a simple squeeze trying to reassure me in my choice. I give her a nod and keep my head down not looking at Hunter for the rest of the period.

Lunch rolled around quickly. We decided to eat outside just the four of us and it felt normal.

"So Q." Trevor starts. "How was your date on Saturday?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows. El punches him in the arm and I let out a laugh as he rubs the spot where she hit him. "Jeez I was just asking." He says causing me to laugh again.

"Just peachy." I say taking a bite of my sandwich. "Anyways how was your-"

"Hey trev! El! Can you guys come here for a second?" I hear one of the football players and his girlfriend yell. El looks at me.

"Go. I'll be fine." I say with a smile. She nods and gets up with Trevor heading over to the couple. I sigh laying my head on Liam's lap.

"Rough day Q?" He asks messing with my hair.

"You don't know the half of it." I say with a sigh.

"Hunter bothering-" He gets cut off when someone starts coming towards us.

"Liam can I steal Quinn for a second?" I hear Hunters voice and I sit straight up.

"Why?" I ask before Liam can say anything.

He puts a smirk on. "Can't talk to you cupcake?" Feeling my body stand up on its own I don't fight with it.

I start to get up but feel Liam's hand grab my wrist. "I'll be fine." I reassure him. But mostly trying to reassure myself. Avoiding him all day was difficult but I dealt with it but now he's basically making me talk to him. I let out a sigh as I start to walk with Hunter.

"Why did you not turn in your assignment this morning?" He asks still walking.

"I lost it." I snap, a little to quickly. Even though I know he heard the whole conversation. I wince regretting my words. He stops in his tracks.

"Quinn what's wrong?" He asks clearly confused of the hell he put me through.

"Other then your terrible personality? Nothing." I answer realizing how close we were. I back up slightly. He starts to speak. "If you don't mind." I quickly cut him off. " I have some friends to return to." I say turning away from him and walking away.

I started to not feel well towards the end of the day.

"Mr. Samuels?" I ask breaking the silence of the room. "May I go to the bathroom, I don't feel well." He gives me a subtle nod and points to the hall pass. I get up, my vision slightly shaky. Liam notices my odd movements and gets out of his seat and takes my hand. "L-Liam." I try to say my vision getting blurry. Before I passed out I heard a gasp go throughout the room and felt his arms wrap around me.

I woke up with a killer headache. "Crap." I mumble to myself as I look around where I was. I was back home in my bed. I look my phone and see two missed calls from Liam. I call him back and hear him sigh in relief.

"What you just left me to die in sickness here alone Liam?" I question jokingly. He chuckles through the phone.

"Quinn you know I'd never. I just ran out to my house for an hour while you slept. I called you just in case you woke up wondering where I was." I let out a smile.

"Well can you at least come back here? I feel like crap. And I don't want to feel like crap alone." I can't see him but I know he's giving one of his cute smiles through the phone.

"I'll be there in 5." He says as I hang up. Laying back down. And quickly texting him;

'Bring me Advil.'

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! And the moment I'm working on another book but it won't be up probably till the end of this one. But I don't know yet. Since school is coming soon I might not have to much time to write.
But please don't be a stranger!
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Love you guys lots!

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