BAB 18

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"so you're a crystal player huh?" si baju hijau bersuara, nafas yang turun naik buatkan dia bersuara termengah-mengah.    

Aku pula sudah mendapat nafas normal, memang sesuatu yang istimewa untuk pemain kelas Kristal. HP dan MP aku menaik dengan cepat, tenaga aku juga cepat kembali.    

"how come you get cought? You're the best player, you can take them all at once" si baju biru tidak percaya.    

"your welcome" ujarku sebelum berpaling untuk beredar.    

"wait!" tatkala si baju biru ingin menyentuh bahuku, kayu saktiku, Black Pearl terus hinggap dikepalanya.

"ouch!" dia terduduk kesakitan.    

"I can die you know..." dia terus terdiam tatkala dia memandang profil pemainnya.

"its full" dia tergamam. HP dan MP nya sudah penuh .

"are you a zombie? Which mean you already die" si baju biru teragak-agak untuk bersuara.    

"what?" aku pelik. Satu maklumat yang baru.    

"when you die you become the zombie, doesn't that what it mean by becoming a zombie. So you're not a zombie right?" tanyanya lagi.    

Aku terdiam, memang betul apa dia kata. Zombie maksudnya hidup semula selepas mati, seperti mayat hidup. Bukan sekadar menyebarkan virus zombie dengan membunuh.    

"you two, what's your name?" soalku terus.

    "Albert and he's Edward." Jawab Albert.     Aku memandang mereka silih berganti.

    "twins" aku terkejut.    

"yes, Al and Ed for short" Albert tersenyum menampak giginya yang tersusun rapi.

"we're from Australia, you? Wait-wait let me guess, by your English accent and your dressing. You must be American." Jelas terserlah keramahan Albert.    

"no he's not, he doesn't have any blue eyes" Edward membantah.    

Mereka menggunakan kata ganti nama lelaki dalam Bahasa inggeris, aku hanya membiarkan.    

"but ofcourse he's not europian right, he's a little short" bisik Albert tapi aku tetap dengar suara dia.    

"I'm Asian" aku bersuara.    

"Chinese?!" Albert dan Edward terkejut.

"but he doesn't have any slanting eyes" ujar Albert tatkala mengecilkan mata untuk memandang kedua-dua mataku dengan lebih jelas .

"he's white though" cakap Edward pula.

Aku berdiri menjadi padangan mereka yang sedang duduk, seperti menonton televisyen pula.

"we cannot really tell because he cover everything except his both eyes" Albert dan Edward bercakap sesama sendiri.

"I'm Malaysian" aku memberitahu selamba.

"MH3700!" Mereka serentak bersuara.

Aku tidak menafikan, memang Malaysia terkenal dengan kehilangan pesawat MH3700 itu.

"Leona, check their status" aku memberikan arahan.

"Albert the Barbarian and Edward the Fighter, they both pretty popular cause they're twins and also known as the Al and Ed. They specialty they can switch character, that was interesting. Many negative side on them, they're actually thief and most wanted by the player." Beritahu Leona.

"that's why the Mobs capture you two" aku mengeluh.

"what? You're regretting?" Albert tidak percaya.

"because you save us from them, then we owe you" Edward bersuara seraya berdiri.

"so as a reward, you can ask anything"

"anything?" aku tanya untuk pastikan lagi.

"yes, anything" Albert turut berdiri dan meletakkan tangannya dibahu Edward. Senyuman lebar mereka berikan buat aku

"Leona, use the black and white agreement" Albert dan Edward berpandangan.


    "the scroll, where did you find it?" soal Sahara.    

"why, you want to stole it from us?" ayat berani Daniel buatkan Sahara tergelak besar.    

"no, no. Of course not" Sahara menafi.
"I guess you all still don't know the use of that scroll"    

Daniel, Sidek, Tia dan Zana berpandangan. Mereka mula memeriksa beg magik kumpulan masing-masing, cuba baca kegunaan skrol tersebut.    

"sebenarnya tu scroll apa? Nama dia Cuma tertulis Star Scroll, Emerald Scroll dan Jed Scroll. Apa benda?" Sidek tidak faham.    

"so you already found three of them" Sahara berfikir.    


"apasal kau bagitau!?" Tia menendang kaki Sidek.    

"aku terlepas cakaplah" Sidek mengurut kaki yang sakit.    

"Kara, show them all the Gemstone Scroll history" arah Sahara.

Kara mengangguk sebelum skrin putih dibelakang dipaparkan.    

"burn to death, vanish to thin air, explode" baca Sidek seraya menelan air liur.
"bahayanya skrol ni!" dia panik.    

"the Golden Wing of Angle, Swords of Lightning, Arrow of Hopes" kali ni Tia pula yang baca dibahagian bawah pula.
"Hidden Ability?" soal Tia untuk kepastian.    

"well actually there are seven scroll that need to be collected, once you collect all the seven scroll you can wish anything. Including upgrade, new ability or even..."

"finish the game" serentak Sahara dan Daniel bersuara.    

"but before you can wish anything, there's a riddle that you need to solve." Kara pula memberikan penjelasan.

"if you failed to answer, you'll be punish and suffer the consequences."    

"finish the game by clearing all 100 gate level was plan A, we found out that the scroll exist again and so finding all the seven scroll will be our plan B if plan A didn't work out" jelas Sahara.    

"exist again?" Zana menangkap ayat pelik dari Sahara.    

"yes, last year one of the best player found all the seven scroll. He manage to collect it but didn't manage to answer the riddle, therefore he was punish. It says that he was the first person that got trapped inside the game, a living soul with a death body. Nobody knows what actually happen to him or even know who he is. Guess we all are punish inside here because abandoning him" Sahara tersenyum kelat.

"so why are you telling us all of this?" Zana masih lagi sangsi.    

"because we have mission for you" Sahara berdiri, tangan diluruskankan diatas meja.

"find all the seven scroll!"

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