Prolouge 2- Interest

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Mika x Reader (2)

The five vampires have some difficulty knocking in the door.
The leader stretches after he has busted through, his long silver hair swinging a little from side to side. The light streaming in from the door behind him illuminates only the outsides of his face, the strange lighting making him seem almost demonic.

The vampire grins, and his fangs catch the light.

"I think you four can handle this house." he says, lazy red eyes skimming the room.

One of the hooded vampires nods.

"Yes, Lord Ferid."
Ferid moseys out of the house and examines his boots, noticing the streaks of dark red on them.
"Drat." he mutters to himself. "One of the livestock's blood got on my sho-"
Ferid is flung thirty feet by the explosion, and when he lands, he has been badly burned and both of his legs are broken.
Ferid groans, then props himself up on his elbows and looks at the burning building.
A smile pulls at his lips and he chuckles.
"I wonder which little bloodsack did this?"
The bones on his legs snap back into place and Ferid stands up, brushes himself off.
''It seems to be a lot more intelligent than the others..."
Ferid's eyes flash and he licks his lips.
"I've been looking for the right pet. Maybe this is the one."


You twist and buck, but there is nothing you can do, nothing at all

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You twist and buck, but there is nothing you can do, nothing at all.

The silver-haired man has one hand on your neck, pinning you down, choking you, the back of your skull digging into the grass of your neighbor's backyard. You hadn't even gotten ten feet.
The man's other hand picks up a strand of your bloody (h/c) hair. He rolls the piece between his fingers, then drops the clump and brings his bloody fingers up to his face, nostrils flaring as he recognizes the scent.
"Interesting." He murmurs, and you catch a glimpse of- fangs?!?
His face breaks into a Cheshire smile.

"What's your name?"

You wince as he digs his fingers deeper into your windpipe.

"(N-Name)." You gasp.
He leans in extremely close to your neck and you squeeze your eyes shut.
What is he-
Pain explodes across your neck, and every muscle in your body clenches. Hot liquid trickles down your back, staining your (h/c) hair.
I-is this... a... vampire bite?
Tears form behind your closed eyelids.
You've never felt something like this before...your veins are tightening, your neck muscles are tensing around this... vampires... fangs, making it more and more painful...
The vampire pulls back, grinning, and you gasp for air. There is a trickle of blood on his chin, which briefly take on a golden sheen. A trick of the light, you quickly assume.
He uses a black cuffed sleeve to wipe it off.
For a moment, the man stares at the small bloodstain on his wrist, pupils dilated. Is that... Fear?
The expression is gone in an instant, and that smirk is back.
"Interesting," he says with a small laugh. "I'm not usually a messy eater."
He flicks his long silver ponytail over his shoulder, and he taps a white gloved finger to your neck, pleased as the material stains redder.
"It would be a shame to taint such... delectable blood with my own, so I guess you will not be my new vampire pet." He licks his lips and stands, then he chuckles.
"But I do have a recent opening."
He sighs, then cups the side of your face with his palm, as if examining an animal, or some type of... livestock.
Suddenly he puts one hand underneath your legs and one behind your back and easily picks up your small, weakened body.
He starts walking, and your vision becomes blurry.
"You're coming with me, young one."
He says, and your vision fades to black.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now