Ch. 8- Vampire Blood

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You swallow, close your eyes, and take a deep, shaky breath before opening your eyes again.

Mika hangs from the queens arms, limp, blood from a massive wound on his chest trickling down his hanging arm and dripping onto the floor. He other arm is folded awkwardly across his chest, bleeding more from a thick line around his bicep that looks as if it has been messily stitched together by pieces of skin.
His blond hair is matted with blood, eyes scrunched together, tears glistening on his cheeks.

Oh, God, I hope he's unconsious...

The queen walks over to one of the beds and lays him down on it, then licks the blood off of one of her hands.
Your eyes widen in horror.

The queen sighs and rolls her red eyes.

"Just checking how much he's changed so far, (Name)..."

"C-changed?" You stutter.

The queen tilts her head, an her pink hair swings to the side.
Her eyes flash.

"Into a vampire, of course. How do you think he's still breathing?"

The queen tilts her head.

"When he wakes, he's going to need blood."

Her hand blurs as she slashes her wrist.

"Do you have a cup?" She asks, with an amused tone.

You rush over to one of the cabinets and pull out a beaker.

She takes the beaker, nails clicking on its side, and soon it is filled with burgundy liquid.

She hands you the beaker, and you have to focus on not spilling it with your shaking, weakened hands.

She turns towards the door, then waves a bloodstained hand behind her.

"Tell him it won't change him into a full vampire, if he won't drink it. Vampires drinking vampire blood doesn't exactly change anything, but it can keep him strong and help with his wounds. He can heal himself, just keep him comfortable."
She puts one hand on the doorknob and looks back.

"And try not to cut yourself," she says, and opens the door.
"New vampires are unpredictable when they smell human blood."

The door closes.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now