Ch.11- Oath

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Mika stands up straighter, and his blue eyes seem to burn in Ferid's direction.

Ferid is down on his hands and knees, a little bit of wall dust in his hair and on his shoulders.

There's a dent in the wall, a large one, and you briefly wonder if that will ever be fixed.

Ferid chuckles and coughs blood onto the ground.

"You're already almost as strong as the queen, Mika. Impressive."

His voice drips with contempt.

Mika's muscles tighten, and he steps forward.

He reaches his arm out in front of you.

"You've hurt enough of my family, vampire."

A piece of blond hair falls into Mika's eyes.

In this moment, this one moment, he looks powerful, more powerful than any vampire.

He looks like a god.

You blush scarlet.

Crazy brain, this is not the time...

And then Ferid shatters the illusion, striding across the room and grabbing Mika by the neck.

"Ferid!" You yell, clenching your fists.

Ferid looks over lazily.

"I'm in the middle of something, pet."

Mika swings his legs up and kicks Ferid in the crotch.

Ferid doubles over, dropping Mika to the ground.

Mika crouches down next to Ferid.

"If you touch her... I'll kill you."

Mika strides across the room, and hooks his finger around the gold cuff on your arm.

He grabs hold of it, and just-

Pulls it apart.

He throws the two pieces of metal down at the floor in front of Ferid.

"You- you k-killed most of my fa-family..."

Mika starts to tremble, and he clenches and unclenches his fists. His blue eyes are stormy, different emotions swirling and mixing behind them.

"I have to protect what's left."

Ferid looks up.

"You don't belong in the world that boy has entered. You're a vampire, Mika."

Mika shudders.

"I-I'm not-"

He touches a hand to his mouth, to the small fang that protrudes from his lips.

Mika collapses onto his knees.

You move quickly to his side, put a comforting arm quickly around Mika and lower your head down near his.

"Breathe, Mika."

Mika's breathing is ragged, his eyes clenched shut.

Mika finally gives in, shaking and sobbing.

You look up, and blink.

Ferid is gone. And so are the two twisted scraps of what used to be your golden cuff.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now