Ch. 17- War

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Ferid takes a step outside and stretches.
He smirks.

"Can't you smell the blood from here? It sure makes you crave some, doesn't it, kitten?"

Mika put one hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Don't talk to her." He growls, and Ferid gives a small, short laugh.

"What is it with you people, never knowing how to take a joke?"

Ferid winks at you.
"You really shouldn't scowl, dear, it ruins your pretty face."

He yawns and takes off towards the battlefield, following the other nobles with vampiric speed.

Mika sighs.
"What is it with him, never shutting his trap?" He says, mimicking Ferid's tone.

You laugh. "Come on, we have to join the others."

Mika draws his sword, and you do the same, clamping the cuff around your arm and then rolling your sleeve down over it.

Both of your faces turn solemn.

"Mika?" You ask softly.

He turns his head.

"Do we really have to kill the humans?"

Mika shakes his head, and his blond hair swings.

"No, we won't, but the others will. Remember what I showed you, all the ways to down someone without killing them."

Mika turns his head towards the battle, at the sea of black and green clad humans and white clothed vampires, battling on the cracked streets of what used to be a city square.

"The more you knock down, the less will be killed. Me and you will actually be doing them a favor."

He activates his sword, wincing a little as the thorny tentacles wrap around his arm, and his sword slowly turns red, the color seeping down the blade like blood dripping down it.

You do the same, and both of you rush towards the battle.


You clash swords with another human, a young male with his hat shadowing his eyes.

His blade braces against yours for a millisecond but soon slides out of place.

He tries to bring the sword back for another slash, but it's at an awkward angle, and before he can react, you crouch and spin, sword cutting a line across both of his shins.

You wince a little as he cries out in pain and collapses, and a little blood peppers your cloak. Your movements blur as you move over near his head.

"It's not too deep, didn't slice the bone. Play dead if you know what's good for you." You whisper, then spring back up.

I wonder how many times I've said that.

Then you stand... And...

There isn't any more humans left standing.

You look across the street and lock eyes with Mika.

He's been using a mixture of knocking out and non-fatally wounding techniques, though you can see that all of the human blood around him is really getting to him.

How long has it been since he's drank blood?

You rush across the street, hopping over unconscious and groaning bodies, trying not to show how guilty you're feeling, and put your hands around Mika's shoulders.

"How long has it been?"

Mika shakes a little.

"A-A day or two."

Oh, God.

Your fingers clench around his shoulders.

"Goddammit Mika! You knew we were going to be surrounded by humans!"

Mika nods.

"T-the queen was busy with war p-preperations..."

You de-activate your sword, the red bleeding from it, and pull back your sleeve, slitting your wrist.


Mika makes a small noise of protest, but you sigh.

"I get my blood from you, so it's okay if I give just a little bit back."

Mika looks at you, then when he sees the determined look on your face, he reluctantly drinks, but pulls back quickly.

"That's enough." He says.

He jumps, and his jaw drops in disbelief.

"What?" You ask.

"I-I smell..."

He looks off into the distance.


"Your brother?"

He nods.

"I-I have to go... Find him... Don't follow me."

You cross your arms.

"Like hell I won't. If I smell any of your blood, I'm going to find your right away. Even if it's just a paper cut. A paper cut, Mika."

You wave him off with a smile.

"But I respect that you have to find him yourself. Don't die."

Mika nods.
"I won't."

Mika starts running, and you wave, feeling awkwardly like a mom sending her kid off to their first day of school.

You rub your temples.

Isn't he supposed to be the dominant one in this relationship? Jesus.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now