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You look down at the mess of blood and ripped clothing on Mika's chest and quickly rush over to the cabinet with the sharp objects in it. You need...

Your hand shakes as you reach for the door, and you clench it into a fist.

I have to stay calm. I have to stay calm.

You open the cabinet and pull out a pair of scissors, slide to the left to get some rolls of packaged gauze, and then grab a needle, a bottle of alcohol, and two large, white towels.

Of all the colors, they had to be white...

You rush over and unload your arms onto the bed next to Mika.

This makeshift hospital is meant for blood transfusions, not gaping chest wounds...

You pick up the large, metal scissors, and lean over Mika, biting your lip.

Your stomach flips and you hold the scissors steady, cutting through the top half of Mika's livestock uniform.

The fabric is thicker around the collar, so it's harder to get through, but finally the shirt is cut in half.

You quickly cut the sleeves and pull the remains of the uniform- now merely a bloodstained, cut up rag- out from underneath him.

Mika's breathing gets faster.

Oh god, please don't wake up, stay asleep...

You blink.

Oh my god. I didn't even give...

You rush over to the cabinets again.

Once again, this is not a hospital meant for these types of operations.

You move bottles to the side, reading the labels...

All you have is chloroform.

This will have to do...

You move quickly back over to Mik's bedside and unscrew the cap of the small glass bottle, then pour some of the clear liquid on the corner of one of the towels.

Mika is panting now, and sweat is breaking out across his forehead. He lets out a small groan.

I've never used chloroform before...

You put the soaked corner over Mika's mouth and nose.

Oh, I hope I didn't use too much... What could happen if I used too much?...

Mika's breathing slows.

You look down at the wound.

It's not... As bad... As it looks....

The blood was kind of making it look a lot bigger, it's actually only about...

The size it would be if someone....

The size it would be if someone

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Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now