Ch. 10-Ferid

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Somethings... Not right....
You jolt awake, then narrow your eyes.

He's standing a few feet away, silver ponytail draped over his shoulder, dressed in his traditional white cloak and looks very pleased with himself.

"Why are you here?"

Ferid smirks.

"Ah..." He licks his lips. "I think you know."

Your muscles tense and you swallow stiffly, then clench a fistful of the blanket in your hand.

"Aren't you... full?" You swallow down the bile in your throat.

Ferid walks closer, black boots clicking on the wooden floor.
His red eyes look over to Mika, sound asleep on the bed.

"Oh, he's still alive. What a shame."

You swallow again, throat suddenly dry.

"The Queen instructed me to take care of him."

Well, more like dropped Mika on the nearest bed, gave me a cup of blood, and left, but whatever same thing.

Ferid raised an eyebrow.

"Did she..."

His eyes return to you.


"No more talk."

Ooh ... I wonder how it would feel to stab Ferid with one of those syringes...

Ferid cups your chin with his gloved hand.

You wince, and suppress the urge to move away.

Ferid looks down at your jacket.

You quickly take it off. You wear it for a reason, to cover the small fang scars all over your neck, and the ugly, disgusting golden band around your bicep that marks you as his.

God, you want to cringe.

You quickly relax your neck muscles and slide your tank top strap to the side.

If you don't do that, he will, and having your jacket taken off feverishly by an adult man you despise is possibly the grossest feeling ever.

You shudder, and wince a little as hi fangs dig into your neck, or, mor accurately, the little spot between your shoulder and neck this parasite seems to love.

Time passes, and you start to grow dizzy.

You pull weakly on a fold in Ferid's cloak.

"Another five minutes and... At the rate... You're going... I'm dead..." You say, voice weak.

He pulls back and growls.

Also, he's scary as crap sometimes.

"Don't interru-"

Ferid flies across the room and smacks into the wall.

Mika, still half wrapped in bandages, stands angrily with his fist out in front of him. His blue eyes are wild with rage.

"You... bastard..."

Mika puts a hand out behind him, steadying himself on a bed frame.

"Get away... From her..."

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now