Ch.13- Change

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More time passes, and you grow closer and closer to Mika. You're there for him whenever he needs you, but there's a bigger and bigger demand for your services in the hospital as the vampires get more and more bloodthirsty.

You're needed longer and longer during the day, and when you finally have time to go get more blood, it's later and later into the night.


You've matured well, fifteen now, but you're still a whole head under Mika, something you're definitely not too happy about.

You blow your hair out of your face and struggle to carry the large box filled with blood bags.

You walk a little faster down the cobblestone streets.

It's way too dark.

How long have I been out?

You turn the corner, staying close to the wall, uneasy now.

The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.

There's someone behind you. You stop in your tracks, close your eyes.

Whoever it is has a much darker aura than Mika.

A wave of fear washes over you.

I... Know this...

Your eyes snap open, wide with fear.

Suddenly the presence is suffocating, wrapping around you like dark chains of evil.

"Where's your little protector, Pet?"

You drop the box, and it thunks onto the ground at your feet.

Your hands shake as hundreds of dark memories slam against your skull. A gloved hand wraps around your shoulder, jerking you around with vampiric speed, and his other hand pushes you into the wall.

Your head whips forward and then connects with the wall, and coppery blood fills your mouth.

You cough, and red droplets speck his white cloak.

"Ferid..." You whisper, out of breath, head pounding.

He lowers his face down to yours, red eyes glowing in the dim light. His lips curl into a small, sadistic smile. Both fangs show.

"It's been a while- three mortal years?"

He chuckles.

"I guess I lost track of time... My, you've grown."

You stay silent, focusing on pushing back the blackness and the awful sensation of blood running down your neck.

Ferid's nostrils flare.

"I see you're already bleeding? Mortals cut so easily..."

He breathes deep.

"Ah... I miss that smell."

Your breathing is ragged with fear and pain.
"If you kill me... Mika.. Won't stop until you're... Dead... You know that?..."

Ferid grins.

"I'm not here to kill you."

He digs his palm into your shoulder, and you squeeze your eyes shut. It feels like he's dislocating it. Ferid leans in, until he's right next to your ear.

"I've got orders- from someone of a even higher rank than the queen."
A higher rank than the-
Ferids movements are lightning fast, or maybe you blacked out for a split second, but before you know it he's twisted your head up to the side with one hand and has the other on the back of your neck.

"Those orders didn't say I couldn't take a bite first."

You twist and try to pull away, but, well, he's a vampire.

Your eyes widen in horror as you realize your muscles have clenched from terror.

I can't move.

The adult vampire lowers his lips to your skin, a strand of his silver hair sliding from its ponytail and brushing against your shoulder, and you shudder, hear the small inhale before Ferid's fangs rip into you. You can't supress a whimper of pain, and you feel Ferid smirk against your skin.
The too-familiar feeling of blood rushing out of you assaults your veins, and the only sound your brain can seem to focus on is the soft gulps Ferid makes as your blood leaves your body.
You don't know how long you're there, trying not to cry out, trying to not give him the satisfaction from breaking out into tears, but it feels like hours.
You start to sink down to the ground, muscles getting so weak they can't even support you anymore, and Ferid crouches down with you.

He's taking... Too much... I don't think... Even a bag of blood could...

I'm going to die.

You're finally unable to control it, and hot tears slide out of your closed eyelids.

Ferid finally pulls away, wiping the blood from his mouth with his sleeve.

Your tired, weak eyes finally focus enough to see his face.

His cheeks are rosy pink.

That bastard is blushing.

"Where was I?" Ferid shakes his head from side to side, then raises a bloodstained finger.

"Ah, yes."

He bares his fangs and pulls of his glove.

He bites his wrist.  His blood looks almost black in the dull lighting. It drips, a droplet falling to the ground.

You realize what he's about to do, and completely break down, sobbing and shaking.

"N-not y-you I-it was never supposed to be y-you-"

Ferid tucks his glove into a pocket, and crouches down. You cannot even speak anymore, just make small, pitiful sounds, unable to move.

He cocks his head.

"I'm giving you life, (name)."

You look up at him.


Ferid sighs heavily, like you're a child he's gotten tired of being nice to.

He roughly tilts your head back, and uses two fingers to pry open your jaw.

He holds his wrist over your mouth and you gag.

A sour, coppery flavor assaults your tounge as his blood goes down your throat.

Ferid lets go of you, satisfied, then he stands up quickly, then sniffs the air.

"Mika. Perfect timing."

There is a swirl of Ferids cloak and he disappears into the night.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now