Ch.19- Betrayal

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The small group of humans lined up. They all had very interesting, oddly shaped weapons, not the typical sword.
There were four.
Four, against two nobles and a handful of hooded vampires?
You guess these people really were strong if they picked a fight like this.

But that axe...

One of the soldiers has a large green axe, that's at least as long as you are tall.

There's a girl with long brown hair holding some type of spear, a short silver haired boy with a double bladed sword, and another girl with what looks like a machete.

You skim your eyes over them, and try to lock gazes with each. They look a little startled that your (e/c) eyes are not red.

"Ferid will kill you." You say, trying to put as much urgency into your voice as possible.

"You need to leave."

The Axe boy clenches his grip on his axe.

"Shut your mouth and die, vampire."

You flinch.
"I am not a vampire. You need to leave."

Ferid makes a little fake gasping noise.

"What's this? Is Kitten trying to scare away her prey? How sweet."

He chuckles and puts away his sword.

"I think this little dear needs a lesson in bloodlust, don't you?" He addresses the four soldiers, but it's obvious he doesn't want an answer.

Ferid bows.

"I'll leave these four to you." He says with a smirk, and leaves, using his vampiric speed to disappear within seconds. The other hooded vamps follow him.

Fear fills you.

"Crap." You say as the four soldiers circle you.

(Sorry it was short)

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now