Ch. 16- Transport

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You fidget in your seat, uncomfortable in your noble cloak and in such a small space with so many vampires.

"Nervous, kitten?"

You glare at Ferid, wishing that you could just behead him right now.

"Don't call me that."

Mika glares at Ferid. At least he's sitting next to you.

Ferid raises his hand up in surrender.

"There's no need to look at me like that, Mika. I thought we were friends..." He says, in mock-despair.

You sink further into your seat, sighing.

You, Mika, Ferid, all of the nobles, were being called to battle, and you were nervous. Very, very nervous.

Over the past year, you trained with Mika, sword fighting and other forms of combat, but his skills obviously outshined yours. Compared to Mika's graceful movements, you were like a clumsy child waving around a baseball bat.

Also, your relationship with Mika had gotten a lot deeper, and though neither of you said it, by mortal standards you were definitely "dating", if a date was a sword fighting or combat lesson.

Ferid backed off a bit, and you rarely saw him... well, until now.

Your sword was very similar to Mika's, long and silver, though the hilt was different, a silver spiraled handle that met the blade with a hollow half-sphere. It looked very similar to a fencing sword, though the blade itself was sword-thick.

Attached to the hilt by small silver chains was a cuff that clamped around the area right in the middle between your wrist and elbow.

Whenever the blade needed power, needles from the inside of the cuff would sink in from all directions.

Your arm already had a lovely band of scars.

You felt the jet start losing altitude, and before long the cabin jolted as it touched down.

The hatch opened, and bright light made you blink.

In the distance was a war.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now