Ch. 1- Meeting Mika

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Mika X Reader

You're eleven years old.
Now you live in a small room adjacent to Ferid's.
He finds you at random times in random days or weeks, basically whenever he has a craving for sweeter blood, but other than that your life is pretty independent.
You walk the mansion grounds and such but often run into other nobles, which is a pretty big problem, as most of them have heard of 'Ferid's little pet", with the sweetest blood around and whatever else was said.
Many other children your age came to Ferid's mansion of their own free will, most times to trade blood for medicine or other nessecities, but for some reason, as you looked up at the latest one, while reading a book on different parts of the brain stressfully in the cold hallway, you felt he was.... different from the rest.
Maybe... it was because there was something about him that reminded you of yourself.
Yes, that was it. That vibe a person had when they were always planning something.
This boy had messy blond hair and large blue eyes, and stood silently in front of Ferid's heavy wooden door. Lanterns in the stone hallway illuminated his determined face.
You stop, consider speaking, then decide there's nothing wrong with talking to this boy.
"Ferid won't come back her for another two hours or so." You call.
He turns around, startled.


You wave and he finally spots you.

"Wow, I'm sorry," He says, and smiles. "I didn't see you."
You feel happy that your skills of hiding in the shadows was getting a lot better. Sure, he may just be another human boy your age, not a noble with heightened senses, but maybe someday you will be able to quickly hide from the nobles as they passed.
"It's alright," Jesus, that smile was infectious.
You smile back. "That was kinda the point. What's your name?"
He grins and sticks out his hand to shake yours.
"Mikaela Hyakuya. You can call me Mika."
You shake his hand.
"I'm (Name)." You reply.
He keeps smiling. Mika has a very cute smile, which crinkles his eyes and makes you want to grin right along with him. You feel very happy inside because of that smile.
"So why are you here? You've got two hours... Unless you want to leave and come back..."
Mika waves a hand and slides down to sit against the wall. You put your book to the side.
Mika looks down at his hands and his blissful smile withers and dies.
"Its not like I was planning to be home early anyways..."
You frown.
"I've never asked any of the people coming to Ferid what their reasons were, so..."
Mika lifts up one knee and rests his chin on it.
"Well, I've never talked this long with a vampire, so-"
Your face flushes.
"I am not a bloodsucker!"
Mika's smile turns into a perplexed frown.
"You're not wearing the human uniform, and there's never any humans in the mansion, unless-" His eyes widen a little bit. "Are you also waiting for-"

"Don't be ridiculous!" You feel a sudden surge of anger. "I've never willingly give my blood to that silver-haired bastard."

Mika raises up his hands in surrender, but at the same time he looks like he's going to burst out laughing. "You remind me a little of my brother."

He chuckles and trails off.

You look over at him. "So... what's your story?"

Mika smiled. Jesus, did that boy ever stop smiling? "Well," He said calmly, face still lit up with that smile of his, "Both my parents abused me. Then, when they got tired of me, they threw me out of a moving car on the highway."
His smile flickers for a second, then comes back twice as big.
"That's okay though," He said. He laughs a little. "I was taken to an orphanage, and then I got a new family! This one is even bigger and better than before."

He gazes up at the ceiling with a look of blissful happiness.

"I love all of them. Especially Yuu, though he can be harsh sometimes. He just dosen't want to be hurt again, thats all." Mika closes his eyes. "He has a pretty messed up past, too. He needs to learn to just accept it."
Mika sighs. "If he dosen't, he's just going to get all old, and bitter." Mika laughs.
"What about the other children in the orphanage?"

Mika beams. "Chihiro is really smart for her age, and always has her nose in any book she can find. She reminds me of you, a little bit. She's shy, and though its rare to hear it, she has the loudest laugh of the bunch. It's funny, because her regular voice is really quiet." He pauses. "Both of her parents commited suicide."
He moves on to the next member of the family.

"Kouta isn't a very picky eater, but he really hates carrots for some reason." Mika giggles. "He's really sweet though, and he always finds a way to make everyone laugh. He was dropped off at the orphanage as a toddler, sick with a disease the parent's couldn't afford to treat. The whole orphanage fundraised that summer." Mika's eyes grow happy and distant, remembering. "The Director set up a website with us. We picked out the colors and the designs, and took a bunch of pictures, and we managed to get enough money from donations and the state to save him!"

You smile, and Mikaela continues.

"Ako and Fumie are sisters, half-twins they say, and when they both were dropped off in a basket as babies, they had little slips of paper stuck onto their clothing to tell who was who, but the Director says that before she could get to them, A gust of wind blew away the papers! We're still not sure which one was meant to be Ako and which was meant to be Fumie, but the Director just decided to name them and style their hair differently. The girl with pigtails is Ako now, and the girl whose hair is down is Fumie."

"Taichi is the youngest of them all, and he's famous for his cuteness.
One look from his puppy-dog eyes and it's all over, and though he doesn't mean it, I'm pretty sure he could get anyone to do anything. He used to carry around a teddy bear, but he dropped it in the commotion with the vampires. He hasn't been the same since."
Mika looks sad. "He's trying, I can tell, but losing a teddy bear is a big thing for someone his age." Mika's eyes are heavy with many different emotions, remembering that day, but then his expression brightens.

"Akane is the mother in our little family, and she's the most caring in the group. The younger ones love her, and Taichi hides behind her every time a vampire walks by. She's always very protective, but she still has a younger side." He crinkles his eyes. "Just the other day me and Yuu found her coloring with everyone, using bits of charcol from the fireplace and writing on the floor tiles, Taichi clinging to her  arm, Ako and Fumie giggling while drawing what looked suspiciously like me with a mustache, Kouta sketching a robot, Chihiro peeking over a book in the corner...." His eyes grow distant. "I'll never forget their faces that day." His eyes close, and his voice is quiet, airy. "Every single one of them was smiling."

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now