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As time passes, Mika grows taller and stronger, but yet weaker at the same time. His refusal to drink any human blood makes him slightly... Off.... And you take extra care when handling sharp objects when he's around.

Two years pass. You see Mika less and less, the queen sending him through long and tiring sword lessons by night, but the time you do have together, you always go off and do something, whether it be walking the inner, unguarded streets or just talking- about  before, about vampires, about your pasts- many different things.

You start receiving small bottles of the Queens blood, to store in the freezer for Mika.

Now, you've just gone out for some supplies,  bags of blood.

You cough and swing the door closed with your foot, then dump the bags on the counter next to the refrigerator. You open the blood drawer and start restocking it.
You pause, your hand on the refrigerator door, as a few hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.

"Hi, Mika!" You turn, and, sure enough, there's Mika, not making a single sound, standing behind you.

Your stomach flips when you see his white vampire cloak, hood down. It's kind of weird to see someone as young as Mika wearing this, but then again there's a six year old-looking vampire wearing the same, so...

Mika gives you an awkward half wave and steps away.

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Always know if I'm there, even if I'm not making a sound?"

Because I've had experience being snuck up on.

You touch a finger to his chest, look up at him, and grin.

"I don't," You laugh. "Sometimes I say "Hi, Mika" when I'm all alone and feel pretty stupid about myself when there's nobody there."

You crouch down and continue stocking the blood, stacking it by type and how much.

Mika looks over to the only patient you have today, a young girl who looks more than a little scared of the vampire a few feet from her.

Mika sighs and tugs on his collar.

"....I wish I didn't have to wear this stuff...."

You look back and frown.

"It shouldn't matter, but unfortunately 99.98% of vampires are something to be afraid of. Sadly, the .02 percent that aren't just have to live with it."

You wave a hand.

"Besides, the only people who come here are the ones who've had bad experiences with vampires."

You stand up and pat Mika's head, which is a little awkward because he's so tall.

Mika ducks away and blushes, then covers his head with his hands.

"D-don't do that."

You grin, then pull a type B blood bag out of the fridge, close the door, and start walking over to the little girl. You pull up a chair and sit down.

"Can you tell me your symptoms, sweetie?"

The little girl shrinks into the bed.

"W-well, I'm d-dizzy... And I feel really tired..."

You check her vitals- heart rate, blood pressure, all that fun stuff, and then smile at her.

"You're only going to need a little bit to get better. That's good!"

A tiny bit of the worry leaves her face, but returns when she sees the catheter and IV tube.

"W-will it hurt? Like those b-blood taking machines?"

"No, no, no." You say, and shake your head.

You take her small hand in your own, and look her in the eyes.

"This is just a little tube, a tiny little tube that goes right into your vein. It doesn't even have a needle."

"No needle?"

The girl relaxes a bit.

You quickly slide on some non latex gloves and soon the IV is in and she's getting the small amount of blood she needs.

You stand, and throw the latex gloves in the trash.

Mika's looking at you strangely.


He blinks, and his cheek turn slightly pink.


You raise your eyebrows.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now