Ch.4- Life

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This boy, he looks like Mika's age. Is he-

"Yuu? Yuu Hyakuya?"

Yuu's eyes widen slightly at the tears in your eyes.

"I need your help- it's Mika..."

Yuu immediately snaps to attention, steps outside, and slams the door behind him.

You start running towards Ferids mansion, your surroundings a blur until you get to your room.

You fling open the door and rush over to Mika. He's panting now, eyebrows knitted together, gritting his teeth, sweat rolling down his forehead.
"I need help carrying him to the hospital-"

Yuu didn't say a word, just took the blankets off of Mika and picked him up bridal style, muscles in his arms straining.
You were going to help him, but-

"This way." You say and rush out of Ferids mansion again. You take a right and rush to the small hospital building that used to be a coffee shop, then fling open the door.
"Put him on a bed." You say, and quickly turn on the lights.

Both sides of the room are lined with beds, an IV tree next to each one.
There is a bunch of human made medical equipment from before the apocalypse, all of it on carts to wheel to whichever patient needed it the most.
There is a small refrigerator in one corner, filled with different types of medicines and liquids, along with a cabinet with syringes and scalpels and other shiny, deadly looking things.
There was cloth and boards for makeshift casts, ice packs in the freezer section of the refrigerator, but what You were most interested in right now was the blood.
Multiple bags of every blood type were given to the hospital each week, as "insurance" whenever a vamp got too thirsty.
You rush over to the bed Mika was placed onto and propped up his feet, then spread his arms wrists-up at his sides. You point back at Yuu, who looks as if he can't decide whether to be mad or worried.
"Get me a bowl of hot water and a rag. There's bowls by the sink."
Yuu springs into action, and you quickly check Mika's pulse. It's weak. Dangerously weak.
You quickly grab a bag of blood from the refrigerator.
"Mika, I need you to try and relax."
You whisper soothingly into his ear.
"You're completely safe. I'm going to give you some more blood, and you'll feel better soon, but right now I need you to pretend you're floating."

Mika's muscles slowly unclench.

You suspend the bag of blood from the IV tree and grab your kit from a cabinet again. Yuu sits on one of the other beds, looking at Mika with a very worried expression. You'll get that hot water later.

You lean back over Mika and softly brush the hair plastered by sweat to his forehead away. Mika relaxes a little more. You reach into your kit and pull on a pair of surgical gloves, then get an alcohol wipe and clean a small section of Mika's inner arm.
You apply a tourniquet  above the vein, and then, almost automatically, since you've done this so many times, insert the catheter into the vein, and then pull the needle out of the catheter. You take the IV tube and breifly rid it of bubbles, then insert one end of the tube into the catheter and the other into the bag of blood.
Then you quickly put tape and gauze around the catheter to keep it it place, then you stand up.
You walk calmly over to the biohazard bin and drop in your gloves and the needle.
Yuu's gaze follows you.

"Did you just-"

"In a few hours Mika should be fine, but I'd recommend having him stay here overnight, just so I can make sure he's gotten enough rest. I need to give him some medicine in the morning, a type of steroid that will help his heart circulate and mix the new blood with his own."

You sit down on the bed next to Yuu and put your head in your hands.

"He's lost over 20 percent of his blood, you know. He might be... off... for the next few days."
The lights flicker.
Yuu frowns, his face a mixture of anger, worry, and gratitude.

"Thank... You... "

Yuu sighs and puts his head in his hands.

"I swear, when that little brat is healthy again, I'm going to punch him so hard he's going to be black and blue for weeks..."
You laugh.
"As long as he doesn't end up here..."

Both of you sit silently for a moment.
Then you stand up.
"You're welcome to stay here for the night. I'm going to take the back room... I usually spend the night there anyways. You can take a cot, or come back in the morning."
Yuu looks over at Mika's small, slightly shaking body, then at you.
"I have a feeling Mika is in good hands."
Yuu coughs.
"Besides, Taichi... the others will be wondering where Mika and I have went. I've got to cover for stupid over there."
You nod and stand up.
"You better get going then." You advise, looking at the small clock on the wall. "Lights-out is in five minutes."
"Oh, Crap!"
Yuu rushes towards the door, but then pauses, his hand on the doorknob.
"Seriously though. If you hadn't-" he swallows.
"Thank you." He says one last time, and leaves.

You walk silently over to Mika.
His lips are a little less blue, and his eyes are opened a crack.
You kneel down next to the bed.
"Who..." His voice is slurred, weak.
You put a warm hand on his damp forehead.
"Shh.." Is all you say. You keep your voice steady and even.
"You need to sleep now, Mika."
"(Name)?" He asks weakly.
Mika's lips pull up slightly. He reaches up one hand and touches a strand of your hair, stroking it between his thumb and pointer finger.
"Mika?" You ask, confused.
He drops his hand on the bed.
"Your hair is really soft, (Name)." He says quietly.
Mika closes his eyes and falls asleep.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now