Ch. 5- Awake

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You look down at Mika, and put your hand on your cheeks. They're burning. You quickly stand up and rush to the bathroom in the back.
You look in the mirror.
Sure enough, you're blushing cherry red.
You splash water on your face, but the blush does not fade.

Why am I...?

Your thoughts go back to Mika, and your blush deepens.

I must be going crazy...

You shut the light off in the bathroom and go into the back room.

There's a large, comfy bed, covered in blankets, and you flop down onto it and bury your face in the pillow.

Do I have a... crush.... on a boy I've only known a few hours?

You groan into the pillow.


You lift up your head, reach over on the nightstand, and set your alarm to ring every hour so you can check on...


You close your eyes and fall asleep.


You slam your alarm clock and roll over.
It's been about three hours, and Mika has always been asleep.
The blood transfusion was completed, and you removed the IV from his arm, but he hadn't woken up...
You walk down the hallway, sleepy, and lean against the doorframe.

Mika is awake.

And holding a gun.

"Mika!" You exclaim.

He doesn't try to hide the gun, just looks over at you, pointing the weapon towards the ceiling.

"Hi, (Name)." He says. His voice is grim.  "I have to talk to you about something."

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now