Ch.15- Inhuman

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Your eyes open, and you blink a few times.

What is that sound?

You close your eyes and focus on it. It's a rushing, like a river, accompanied with a loud rhythmic thumping.

Is that... A heartbeat?

You prop yourself up on your elbows.

You're laying in one of the hospital beds. Mika has pulled up a chair and is sleeping, head resting on the bed. He isn't wearing his cloak anymore, just his long sleeved black shirt and pants he wears underneath.

Is it... him?

You focus. Yes, the sound is coming from his direction.

It's a heartbeat.

You can hear his heartbeat, as clear as if you're touching a stethoscope to his chest.

You shift, and Mika blinks and lifts his blond head.

His face floods with relief.

"You're awake."

You look down at your hands and flex them. You feel... strong, but still shaky.

"It... seems I am."

Mika's blue eyes study you, and a determined look crosses his face.

"You need blood."

You look up and your mind flashes to last night, to Ferid, to coughing up blood, and fangs, blood and fangs, fang and-

"No!"  You start shaking again. "I don't need blood!"

Mika touches his fingers to your wrist.
He must have taken off his gloves at some point.

"It's alright, (Name). You won't change into a full vampire yet if you don't drink human blood."
You shudder.
"W-well then where-"

Mika's eyes meet yours.

Your face goes slack with horror.
"No! I'm... I can't do that to you, Mika..."

Mika's eyebrows draw together, and now he looks even more determined.
"If you don't drink some type of blood, there's a chance you'll go berserk and attack a human. Do you want that?"
You look down at Mika's hand, still touching your wrist, then squeeze your eyes shut. When you speak, your voice is small, quiet.


Mika rolls up sleeve, and something inside you shifts at the sight of his pale skin.

Then Mika bares his fangs. It's been a while since you've seen them, save for the small tip of his left fang that always protrudes from the corner of his lips.

Mika bites down on his wrist, and your stomach flips.

He pulls back, wipes the blood off of his lips with his non-bleeding wrist, and locks eyes with you again.

"I'm not going to force you." He says quietly.

You look down, at nothing in particular.

I don't want to take blood from Mika, but if I don't, I might attack one of the-

Your memory flashes to the one of the children you could not save, to the way her neck and shoulders had been completely ripped apart.

A feral vampire, her sister had said. Kept mumbling about not wanting to drink blood. We got out of the way, pressed ourselves against the wall, thinking the vampire would just pass, but then it just... Went crazy.

You look Mika in the eyes.
"I'll do it."

Mika looks a little relived, and he holds out his arm, moving a little closer.

You wrap your hand around his wrist, then awkwardly lower your mouth to his skin.

Then the smell of his blood floods your nostrils and instincts kick in.

You bite down, sweet, strange blood flooding your mouth, and you drink.

Mika makes a small sound, and you blink the bloodlust away and pull back.

"Are you alright?"

Mika hides behind his hair.

"Yes. I'm fine." He says, voice monotone. He pulls his sleeve down and unbuttons the top of his shirt.

"Mika!" You exclaim in surprise. "What are you doing?"

He silently pulls his shirt to the side, exposing his shoulder and a little collarbone. 
You're blushing bright red now, though Mika's expression is still aggravatingly hidden behind his hair.

"I underestimated your bloodlust."
His voice is still hard to read, though it seems like he's using great effort to keep it that way.
"You can... Drink from a bigger vein." That is definitely not fear in his voice. It's... Something else.

Your instincts are screaming for you to just drink already, but your human half is completely, utterly overwhelmed by confusion, embarrassment, and so many other things.

Ah, whatever.

You give in, and bite Mika's neck.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now