Ch.21- Angel's Call

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Mika's POV.

When I first sensed her blood, I thought It was a mistake.

It couldn't be her. She was strong.

But then, when it got stronger, there was no denying it.

It was her blood.

I... Maybe if I hadn't thought I was wrong... Things would have been different.

By the time I got there, she was already... Bleeding....

I don't really remember what happened to the four humans.

I think I was the one who killed them, cut all of them in half with a single cut, but that couldn't have been me... Could it?

All I remember after was holding her, holding her while she was dying, her lifeblood soaking my hands.

Your POV.

I remember... The first time I met Mika.

Your mind skips like a broken record, over memory after memory.

And then you feel a presence.


You can feel someone, someone's there.

You open your eyes a crack.

Mika is shaking, sobbing, eyes clenched shut. You lift up a weak hand and touch the side of his face.

He opens his eyes. They're filled with tears.


You give him a small smile, struggle to keep your eyes open.

You move your thin fingers up and gently wipe a tear away from his eye.

"Don't.... cry, Mika..."

He bites his lip, shoulders shaking silently. The tears still flow.

What can you... What can you do to make him... Happy... He needs to stay... Happy....

You use as much strength as you can to tug his head down to yours.

Your lips meet his.

This kiss is nothing like the rest. Nothing like anything, really.

It's emotion.... Filled with raw, unmasked emotion....

So many different ones.

There's anger, and anger towards the world, towards everything, a deep, boiling anger, towards the situation both of you were put in, to lost humanity, to lost family, an anger that screams "why?" At the top of its lungs and then collapsed into despair...

It's happiness... Happiness from every touch, happiness from every moment you shared... Happiness from every small victory.... A happiness that is a pure white.... Burning with passion and intensity....

But most of the kiss is anguish...
Deep, bottomless anguish....
Anguish that tells of happy times gone cold, of blood and unfairness and the utter, complete tearing apart of two souls...


You drop your hand down from his face and wrap it around his hand.

"Your eyes... They're red. I like it."

Mika shakes, then threads his fingers through yours.

"I... Love you, (Name)."

You smile.

"I love you too, Mikaela... Hyakuya..."




Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now