Ch.14- Warmth

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You cover your face with your hands, and tears start to pool in your hands. You're shaking, violently. You don't know if it's the pain or the horror of what's happening, but your skin is growing cold.

Every nerve in your body is burning, every cell twitching and morfing. You're burning, igniting from the inside.

You collapse onto your side and cry out as the jolt sends a lightning bolt down your spine.

"(Name)!" A voice, distant. Familiar.

The roof of your mouth burns as fangs stab through your gums, pushing two human teeth out and into your mouth. You spit the teeth away, and blood splatters the cobblestone.

"(Name)!" That voice again. It's Mika's.

You open one eye, other clenched shut.

Mika skids around the corner, the stops dead in his tracks.


He bursts into action, falling down onto his knees next to you.

His eyes are wide with shock and worry.

He gently turns you into your back, leans over you, and pushes your hair from your face and neck.

He goes pale.

There's blood all over your neck, in your hair, on your face... Your eyes are wide and turbulent, tears streaming down your cheeks.

"H-he m-made me a-" You sob and cover your mouth with your hand. "Vampire."

Mika's eyes grow stormy, a mixture of worry, anger, and sadness.

He slides one arm under your back and one under your legs, then slowly stands, picking you up from the ground.
You bury your face in his chest and grab a fistful of his white cloak.
Mika shifts his legs and suddenly you're airborne.
Mika lands gracefully onto the top of a building, then jumps again, landing in a crouched position in front of the hospital.
He opens the door and carries you in, putting you down onto one of the beds.

He keeps one arm around you.

"The pain will end soon." His voice is low, soothing.

You give him a stiff nod, eyes clenched shut, though this burning sensation does not seem to be ending.


You open your eyes and look up.

Mika's face is scarlet.


Mika looks over to the side. "Y-your shirt..."

You look down.

Oh god. Ferid must have ripped it at some point.

You quickly cover yourself, blushing.

You tilt your head up. "You-"

Mika's lips meet yours.

Your eyes snap open and you make a small noise of suprise.
His eyes are scrunched up, like he thinks you're going to hit him, face blushing an even deeper red than before.

The pain is gone, and all you feel is warmth.

Mika pulls back, looking ashamed.

"I-I'm really sor-"
You cut him off by touching a slightly bloody hand to his face.
He opens his eyes in suprise.
You close your eyes a little bit.
"I'm..." The burning sensation has faded into a dull glow of flame. Not bad flame, just... Warm.
Your voice is weak, but you're smiling.
"...So happy."
Then your hand slides from his face and you pass out.

(Sorry guys. I really can't romance -_-)

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