Ch. 2- Cloudwatching

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Mika leaned back against the cold stone wall.

"And then there's Yuu- his father died from an addiction, and his mother committed suicide, so his personality is bitter, but really on the inside he's just a big teddy bear."

Mika laughs.

"He'd probably kill me for saying that, but it's true. He truly cares about all of us, but he acts all tough all the time, refusing to call us family out loud, but every day I see him getting more and more mature and caring about other people."
Mika looks content.
"Sometimes his little charade melts away, though. The other day, I found Yuu and Taichi up on the roof. I heard the whole story later..."
Mika's eyes glaze as he enters the memory.


Yuu sat silently on the roof, watching as the sky shifted from brilliant yellows an oranges to red and soft pink when he heard a small creak.
Taichi's light brown hair peeked out from behind the door, and then his two shining brown eyes.
Yuu quickly changed his facial expression to a serious one and turned to look back.
"What do you want?"
Yuu asked, but his voice didn't hold the same hostility it usually did.
Taichi's face flushed and he hid his face behind the door again.
"I-I wanted to see... Big Brother..."
He stuttered, peeking his big brown eyes out to look at Yuu.
Yuu's serious expression slid off his face and he relaxed, leaned back and closed his now-shiny green eyes.

Why do I feel like crying?

Taichi walked slowly over to where Yuu was laying, then sat down quietly himself.

"Wh-why does Big Brother always stay up on the roof all the time?"

Yuu took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, relaxing himself further, fighting back some sort of emotion that was trying its best to consume him.
"I just- like it up here, that's all."
Taichi's little face distorted into a look of worry someone his age shouldn't have yet.
"Does Big Brother not like the vampires?"


"I'm fine. I just really like watching the clouds and the stars."
Taichi beamed. "I like the clouds, too!"
The corner of Yuu's lip twitched into the beginnings of a smile.
Taichi gained a little more confidence.
"Can I watch the clouds and the stars with you?"
Yuu didn't awnser for a moment.
"Sure." He replied, in a small voice.

Taichi laid down next to Yuu and nestled close, and Yuu, almost awkwardly, put his arm out for Taichi to rest his head on. Taichi fit himself snugly up against Yuu, beaming from ear to ear.

He's warm.

Yuu wrapped his arm fully around the small Taichi and looked up at the clouds.

What is this feeling?

A gust of wind ruffled both of the boys hair, and black strands pushed up against Yuu's cheek.

I feel happy, but at the same time I feel like bursting into tears.

Taichi pointed up at the darkening sky.

"The stars are coming out! The stars are coming out!" He giggled and chanted in a way none but small children can.

"Yes, they are." Yuu said, his voice cracking with an emotion he could not identify nor control.


Mika blinked, his eyes refocusing. "I found them sleeping like that, and I put a blanket over them. I knew Yuu would be mortified if he knew I found him, so I spoke with Akane and she agreed to lie and say it was her."

There is a few moments of comfortable silence.

Mika looks up. "So..." He trails off. "What's your story?"

A cold breeze suddenly made both you and Mika shiver, and you rubbed your arms. He pulled his legs in tighter and frowned.

"Someone must have opened a door somewhere," He figured.

You nodded and gestured to the small doorway a few feet away.

"I would take you to my room, but it's much colder and damper than the hallways. The first week I came here, I almost froze to death, apparently."

You pause, and try to remember.

"At least that's what I'm told. I don't remember much, but apparently Kruel, the vampire queen, found me freezing in a corner in one of the hallways."
You stop, smile.
"She may act like a tough woman in front of the nobles, and have a hatred for most humans, but I think she's just trying to live up to the expectations that the council set for her."

"I vaugely remember her picking me up like I was nothing, muttering something about how she was going to cut off Ferid's arm and keep it from him the whole day... Something like that."

Mika smiles. "I've never heard of the Queen having any type of 'other side'."

You sigh.

"Yeah, I guess I'm the only one who think that way. She sent me to work in a little section of her castle designated for the humans in section 8-C with injuries."
Mika brightened. "That's my section!"
You raise your eyebrows.
He nods happily, then stops.
"Sorry, (Name)..." He says sheepishly. "I didn't mean to interrupt."
You shake your head. "That's okay."
You clear your throat.
"Obviously no vampires could be trusted or wanted to work there, so the nurses are usually just humans like me and you. Ferid still can doo by my work anytime, but..." You frown but change the subject back to what it was.

"We usually only treat people who've had a little too much blood taken from them, but I'm the most skilled at the other stuff. I read a bunch of medical books, and I performed leg surgery once!" You say with pride.
Mika looks impressed.
"A girl my age performing surgery."
He says with disbelief. You shrug.
"If you ever need surgery, I'll be the one you go to!" You say.

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