Ch.18- Romance Novels

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"Come to join us, kitten?"
You step over another human and glower at Ferid. He's fending off a human with one hand and using the other to pick something out of his teeth.
"Don't call me that."
You say.
Ferid licks his lips and parries another blow.
"You actually got here just in time. There's a group of Moon Demon Company soldiers heading this way. I heard that they've got some interesting toys."
Ferid looks left and right.
"Where's your boyfriend?"
You shrug, as if it doesn't matter.
"Off doing boyfriend-ey thing I guess."

Ferid finally gets tired of his one-handed battle and gives the human a nasty slice down the middle. You suppress a wince.

Ferid clenches a gloved hand and puts it over his heart.

"Aren't you worried? Oooh, Mika could be off, with a human girl somewhere. Forbidden love! Vampire and human!"

Ferid pretends to swoon.

You roll your eyes.
"This isn't one of your teenage romance novels, Ferid."

Ferid drops his hand from his chest.

"My, my, kitten."
He drops his voice into a low, mock-seductive tone.
"I guess you found my secret."

You cringe.
"Everyone knows, Ferid. Especially since you read those in public."

Now it's Ferid's turn to roll his eyes.
"It's not my fault that dump is so boring."

Now that you think about it, he kinda has an accent. British?

Ferid subtly sniffs the air, then claps his hands like a child.

"The Moon Demon Company soldiers are coming!"

You look at the small group of humans in the distance.

Holy mother of mangas, that's a big axe.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now