Ch.6- Choices

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You sit down on the floor next to Mika's bed.
Where did he get-

"I've taken a map an a gun from Ferids mansion," Mika says, his voice monotone. "I've made a plan for escape, and..."

Mika abruptly sits up and grabs you by the shoulders.

"I want you to come with me!" He blurts.

Your eyes widen.

Escape?!? Is it even possible?

You think of the outside world, of what you remember, of shining streets dotted with lights and towering buildings, of endless rows of books and games played on the streets, of parents and family and long walks out at night... Endless blue skies and endless fields of green....

Most of that will be gone. The world will be riddled with vampires and beasts.... And.... Back here....

Your face falls as you think of the rows and rows of dying and bleeding children, the small, barely medically educated group of "nurses" and "doctors" like you not knowing even how to set a dislocated shoulder or keep a wound from infecting, not without you, you've always been the one to give the orders...

You turn your head down at the ground and cup Mika's warm hands in your own.


You grind your teeth and fight back tears.

"I... Can't leave... All the people who almost die here, every day.... All the people I've healed, all the people who have been wounded..."

You look up and stare deep into Mika's crestfallen eyes.

"All the people who will need my help... I can't leave them, Mika..."

Mika swallows a few times, blinking rapidly. Then he stands.

"I was.... Expecting you to want to come...."

You shake your head slightly.

Mika stands up. His smile is back, though it seems a little forced.

"I'm going to try, then. To... Escape."

He looks down at the gun on the bed, then tucks it into his shirt.

"I'm... Going to go..."

He says.

"I'll take my family with me... We're going to leave right away."

You look down at your hands.

"I don't think this is a good idea... But I have faith in your planning." You say.

Mika holds out his arms, and you hug.

What kind of a boy smells like lavender?

He looks over to the door.

"I should go..."

His blue eyes are uncharacteristically unsure of himself as he touches the doorknob.

Mika looks back.

"I can't thank you enough." He says, and his voice grows quiet. Mika looks down at his forearm, where there is a tiny, circular bandage that blends in with the color of his skin almost perfectly.
"You... Saved my life, (Name)." He says softly.
"I can never repay you for that."
Then he turns the doorknob, and looks back, blue eyes sad but filled with hope.

"Goodbye, (Name)." He says, and disappears into the night.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now