Ch.3- Shock

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You and Mika talk for what seems like only a few minutes, but soon the two hours are gone.

You abruptly stop speaking when you hear the clicking of Ferid's heels in the distance.

Mika hears it too and his face flickers with fear and then determination.
He stands up slowly and then walks over to the other side of the hallway, where he waits by the door. Ferid approaches, then stops, lazy red eyes looking from Mika to you.
It's not unusual for you to be reading out in the hallway after a day of work, so he quickly shifts his focus.

"Ah, mikaela." He says in mock surprise.
"Here again, are you?"
Mika smiles, but there's something different about this smile, something more forced than the blissful smiles he'd given you just a few minutes before.
"Yes, Lord Ferid."
Ferid puts his hands on the small of the boys back and leads him behind the door.

The door closes.


The door creaks open an you jump to your feet.
Mika looks awful.
You rush over to him and catch his arm as he starts to fall over.
"Thanks." He says weakly.
He leans against you, and you struggle to keep him upright.
He shakes his head from side to side, dizzy.
"I can walk..."
He pulls away from you, and his legs give out underneath him.
You try your best to catch him, but he's a lot heavier than he looks.
"Mika..." You say softly, and prop him up against the wall.
"You need to rest." You say firmly.
Mika is too exhausted to complain. He nods sluggishly.
Mika's blue eyes are slightly glazed over.
You push Mika against the wall a little more and slowly stand. You need to get him to the hospital... who would be willing to help you carry a half unconsious boy? A vampire definitely would not help... You think of Mika's family, but you don't know where they live, or what they look like. You know the section they live in, but you would have to knock on every door of the ten family house thingies, and that would take a while.... You couldn't ask just a random kid on the street, they wouldn't want to go into a vampires mansion.... The vampire queen was not randomly strolling the hallways.... The hospital does not have anyone working there right now, there were no patients to treat... So no one at the hospital could help...
You sigh and look over to Mika. His breathing is shallow, and sweat is breaking out on his forehead.
There's still a chance he could go into hypovolemic shock, and if he does...
You nervously bite your nails, then decide you have no choice but to rush to Mika's section. Maybe you'll get lucky.
You lean down to Mika's ear.
"I'm going to go get help." You say, and wrap your arms around his waist.
"We need to get you out of the hallway first. Try your hardest to stand up, okay?"
You pull on his waist and he shakily stands up with you. You lead him towards your small room.
It's cold, which is not good.
It's better than another vampire finishing him off, though.
You open the door to your cold, cobblestone room, and help Mika onto the bed, then stack every blanket you have over him. You don't think Mika has any more energy left...
"I'll be back as soon as I can." You say. You pick up your pillow from the floor and put it under his feet.
Your pillow isn't as big as the ones from the hospital.
He needs to lie flat, his arms to his sides, feet elevated 12 inches in the air.
You turn an rush out the door and down the hallway.

Symptoms of severe hypovolemic shook are cold skin, rapid and shallow breathing, confusion, loss of consciousness....

You rush out of the mansion and head towards Mika's section...

During this time, the victim has a high risk of stroke, heart attack, and organ failure, so it is vital to keep a defibrillator on hand at all times...

You run down the street, up the steps, and knock on the first random door...

Hypovolemic shock is deadly in children and seniors...

The door is opened by a boy with black hair and green eyes. You blink, eyes brimming with worried tears.

"Does anyone from the Hyakuya family live here?"

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 1) BloodWhere stories live. Discover now