[tag] Force Me To Open Up With A Fucking Crowbar

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Because of arussell_23 I have to do a tag.

1) Post rules

2) Tag 13 people you know (or however many you know)

3) Answer all 13 questions

4) Don't skip the tag

5) Tagbacks are allowed

6) Think of something creative for your tag (Pretty sure I broke this rule..)

7) Post as chapter, not as comment.

1. What's your favorite song right now?

Goddammit. I have a lot at the moment, a lot of them are just because of nostalgia. To make things easy, heathens.

2. What's your favorite movie of all time?

As a kid? The Lion King. But as a somewhat adult munchkin, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring even though it's been fucking forever since I've seen it.

3. How many friends would you say you have?


4. Name your top 5 youtubers.

1. Jacksfilms
2. Danisnotonfire
3. AmazingPhil
4. Cinema Sins
5. boburnham

5. Do you like twenty one pilots? If so, what's your favorite song?

Yes. HeavyDirtySoul.

6. Where are you going next vacation?

To the beach with a friend.

7. Where do you want to live?

Vienna, Austria. I've been there before and it's a beautiful city with amazing food and they have amazing milk.

8. What's the first movie that you remember seeing in the theater?

Curious George. I was with my best friend at the time, and we got up to dance in the aisles when the credits came on. I thoroughly embarrassed my sister that day.

9. What's your least favorite Harry Potter book & Movie?

Order of the Phoenix for both.

10. What's your favorite type of candy?

Kit Kats & Reese's.

11. What's the one thing you want to change about yourself for the next school year?

My procrastination. Even though I know that'll never change. And my relationship with my teachers. (The English Teacher hates me for something my sister did.)

12. Justify why your favorite band is the best band you've ever heard.

I'm going with my original favorite band which is Green Day. The reason why I loved it so much is because they tackled a lot of controversial issues in their music and I appreciate that they called out literally everyone on their bullshit.

13. And, finally, what's your favorite book of all time?

White Cat, by Holly Black. She is one of my favorite authors because she's so creative and will take something so innocent and make it slightly darker. It's like she pulled the characters and the folklore that she has and shoves it into the real world. Cassel Sharpe is one of my all time favorite characters, if not my all time favorite. It's just a great book, and I highly recommend it. Along with literally everything else she's written.

Alright, now I have to come up with thirteen questions!

1. Who's your hero?

2. What's your favorite story to tell people?

3. Who's your favorite character and why?

4. If you could change your name what would you change it to?

5. Favorite TV show to binge?

6. Favorite fandom you're in and why?

7. Where do you want to travel to if given the opportunity?

8. What would your superpower be?

9. Life changing moment?

10. Favorite book as a child?

11. Any abnormal fears?

12. Favorite book(s) and why?

13. Weirdest dream?

People that I tagged:









Oops. I thought I was more comfortable tagging more people.


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