Family Reunions and Flowers for Algernon

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Yesterday I had a family reunion.

That reunion has made me realize a point reiterated to me every time we have one of these things: I fucking hate my family.

It was actually pretty funny, after everyone cleared out at two thirty (it started at twelve and everyone showed up at one) my Dad and I were deciding out of both sides of the family– my mother's and my father's– who was the King Asshole.

To be frank, both sides of my family are pretty crazy.

Here are the contestants:
Justin–Cousin–40: Accomplishments:
•Lived w/ Parents since he was 38
• Put 3–year–old dog down because Vet said she was 'aggressive'.
• Also has stripper tattoo on his bicep
•He's single.
Grammy–Deceased: Accomplishments:
•She's a bitch.
•Called Justin an idiot to his mother's face.
•Called my Aunt fat.
•That was all in the same breath.
•Devote Baptist. (Yelled at me for making bets, playing cards, and for my whole family being fucking alcoholics.)
Ray–Grandfather–78: Accomplishments:
• Asked my Jewish Uncle (He's a billionaire? Hate his guts tho) what he thought of "Hitler sending your people to the showers."
• His son injects snake venom into his veins and gets stoned everyday.
•He gets pissed off at my Aunt who is always in an interracial relationship.
•I'm just a bitch.

Changing gears super quick– We're reading Flowers for Algernon in English– IT IS SO CUTE YET SO SAD.

Charlie Gordon is the main character and he's a 37–year old man who has a mental disorder.

(It's a science fiction novel)

He's operate on so he can be smarter, which is basically his life dream. It's a damn good dream. But some people at the factory that he works make fun of him because of his disability.

I can't.

I just can't.

He kills himself.


Don't fucking read it: unless you want to be bawling for the next hour.


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