Donald Trump

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Okay– this is going to be pretty rage induced.

I just opened up the Cosmo Snapchat (I have no fucking idea why, I disagree with a lot of what they say) and I just want to punch a couple of people.

I was scrolling through the normal stuff, celebs, makeup, relationship steps, and then I stumble across politics.

I believe the story was: Three Women Explain Why They Support Donald Trump.

I have no idea why I scrolled through it.

No fucking idea.

Maybe I just felt like laughing at other people's stupidity, BUT OH MY GOD ITS WORSE THEN I THOUGHT.

Like, two of them are eighteen, and the other is twenty.

2 of them just earned the right to vote. And lemme tell you something– just because you can vote, doesn't always mean you should.

(And I'm sorry Trump supporters, but this is my opinion and mine alone, so if you're going to be offended, just stop now.)

My main thing with Trump is that he's just a massive condescending prick.

This is an actual quote: "I feel like it means bring more jobs here to make America and make America a more Christian Nation again– because how many people have realized what's going on  and that it isn't really Christian nation anymore? But that's what our forefathers built this nation on.

I don't have a problem with the bringing new jobs here– I have a giant problem with: 'America is a Christian Nation,'

It's not.

I mean, yes, Christianity and it's variations are what makes up most of the religion of America:
83% of Americans identify as Christians.
53% of that 83% is Protestant.
22% of that 83% are Catholic.
And 8% of that 83% are Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons.

But the second amendment is freedom of religion.

And not to mention the first amendment prohibits making any law respecting an establishment of religion.

Government and religion should not be mixed.

That is what the founding fathers built this country on.

Just because the majority of Americans are Christians or some for of it, does not mean we are a Christian country, or any other religion.

Everyone is allowed to follow whatever they believe in– we still have the German Socialist Party (American Nazi Party), and the KKK, and Satanists– and honestly, the government has been getting a little too close with religion.

Like, gay marriage, Pro-Choice or Pro-Life issues, and the prejudice against followers of the Islamic State at the moment.

And I'm not saying religion isn't important– it is, to an extent– religion teaches us basic morales, while leaving out a few other key things.

And in this article they bring up Planned Parenthood and how he wants to defund it.

Planned Parenthood is one, if not the only organization funded by the government that brings services to woman– like abortions.

And I'm Pro–Choice all the fucking way, because honestly? You don't know under what circumstances that girl or woman is having that child.

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