The Ultimate Guide To Shark Week.

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Cramps- those wonderful little things when you're ovaries don't have enough blood and there's isn't anything you can do about it, but find very awkward passions to lie in to try minimizing the pain.

Pain relievers- I don't care what it's called, it won't work for all of you're symptoms. Sorry.

Hormones- That's right! If bleeding out of your vagina isn't enough for you, guess what! You get to be sexually AND emotionally frustrated!

Bloating- it sucks, and there's NOT ENOUGH CHOCOLATE IN THE WORLD TO STOP IT :'(

Food cravings- Do you crave junk food that'll make you feel even fatter and unhealthy?! Here's you're excuse!

Tampons- those wonderful little fuckers. Shove 'em up the wrong way and it hurts like hell.

Pads- Make sure they're straight and you're wearing granny panties, sorry no thongs.

7 DAYS!!!

The jokes- feel free to join in guys, we make jokes about your penises for days. Just don't assume we're angry at you because we're on our periods. And never. Ever. Ask. A. Girl. If. She's. On. Her. Period. Uppppp shhhhhhh. Don't do it.

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