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Well, basketball was fun! Falling on my face twice if front of my whole basketball team, it's honestly not like I care. But I'm just tired of coaches thinking they know your limits when really they don't.

You're the one to decide if you've had enough if push yourself too hard. You're the one to know your limitations. People in general just push ourselves too hard.

We congratulate people who keep playing even with a broken wrist when in reality, that's only making it worse. It's not okay to just keep going. That's not natural, pushing yourself to exhaustion.

In fact, many people don't even report an injury, even if it's minor. Why? So they can keep playing. You're only making yourself even more pain. To the point were you might not even be able to play anymore because your body can't hold on anymore.

You're body and you're mind are to separate things. As much as you want to believe you have control over your body at all times, you don't. You don't control when you're thrown off a horse and you tear your rotator. You can't will a bone not to break when you come down awkwardly in a tackle. You can't control seizures or if you get a concussion. You can't just tell your bones to heal, or your emotional scars to heal.

You can't tell your fear to go swallow itself, you can't just magically snap your fingers and then you have your emotions locked up. Treat them separately and treat them with respect. Know your limits and except them.

❤️Buddha Tails

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