Things Guys Should Know

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1. It's not okay to assume a girls on her period just because she's mad at you.
2. We're jealous of you. Yep, we are... Because you can stand there and scratch your balls and no one. No one finds that remotely awkward. But if a girl does it aww hell no.
3. We do not, I repeat, do not piss and have our periods out of our vaginas!
4. We can be stronger than you. I know, such a shocker.
5. Just because you've got 130 pounds on us does not make you the boss of us.
6. You really shouldn't think of us as toys.
7. Do not get in an argument with a hard-core feminist, you will lose.
8. Don't be arrogant and tell the girls to go back in the kitchen and make you a sandwich. Just. No.
9. Try not to think girls as bossy. Think of the girl being *cough* bossy *cough* as a guy and ask yourself, would I say the same thing?
10. Follow 9, but if you hear a guy not following 9 walk up to him, big smile and all. Go, "I'm sorry, but that girl. Yeah that one, she's practicing her leadership skills. Because you need to get through to your thick skull that you can be lead by a girl." You will be my best friend forever. :3
My feminist side came out; but guys follow them... Please!
❤️ Tails

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