Traveling Stories: Vienna & London editon

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This is why I'm never going to stick to an actual schedule for this- once upon a time I was like, "Every Saturday, you have to sit your ass down and force yourself to write something insightful and creative like an advice column for a newspaper." And look where that got me.

This time, though, I have an actual (maybe?) valid reason as to why I've been absolutely dead on this Website... I was traveling!

And this is what I do on the 5 hour flight connecting from Austrian Airlines to Heathrow and getting on United- changing our boarding passes, finding the right gate, getting food, making sure our checked luggage made its way on this flight... going through security more times then needed. The norm. I write a chapter! Complaining! Yay!

Quick little tidbit: the guy sitting one row to the left of me, is playing Pokémon and I've been watching him, while writing this- he's like 40, and I guarantee you- that'll be me in 20ish years.

As a past time, I've started nicknaming every person in my eyesight (damn being short) and making up little stories for each one- you know, like the little game you always play with your older sister on the highway of a really, really, really, really long road trip.

Too specific?

In any case, we had quite a few stories to retell after this little endeavor.

But before I get into that, can I just mention, that I love, love, love the London Public Transport. All you do is put money on your Oyster Card and press it to the thing, and bam! Access to all of the city.


Sorry, love flying through thunderstorms.

Quick shout out to all Captains- I don't know how the hell you do what you do, like, all I see is clouds.

How do you navigate this??

I would be like, "Aye! Jimmy! Sharp left at the next cirrus cloud! No! Dammit! Turn around, turn around!"

But that's just me. And my imagination.

Never graduating flight school.

So, today, at Vienna International Airport, my sister's skirt got caught in the escalator, and she was freaking out, for, er, explainable reasons.

And me being me- I was hopping off, pushing and shoving through those people who were pushing and shoving Leigh- which sure as hell wasn't helping anyone's anxiety.

Someone pulled the emergency stop thing (God bless them) and my Dad tugged it free.

Leigh's fine, but her skirts a little worse for wear, with oil stains and holes. I offered to buy her a new one, after a relentless teasing. It's not everyday you get to make fun of your older sibling.

We just landed and the guy next to me just did a small blessing, shoulders, head, everything. I'm laughing- shit! I need to text Jess and tell her I didn't die.

She said a prayer for me, which is posted below:

Dear God.
Plz protect . My lil tay tay on that airplane. Plz let them land safely in ... loondon...? London. Also remind her that Jess likes souvenirs.

Love the last bit.

I remember the very beginning of this adventure, we were barely 15 minutes outside of my house, and my Mom decides to start cutting her nails because apparently nail clippers are weapons that you can disable and put back together, but you know, that's none of my business.

She opens the window 5 minutes later and all the tickets are out on the highway- and my being the stoic I am- was screaming at my Dad to turn the fuck around and let me get the tickets.

He finally did turn around and we got all the tickets back, and our journey proceed from there.

I also somehow managed to get free business class ice cream, with the fancy little dish and truffles by simply not eating my dinner. Which was pasta(?)

I ate only what I could identify. Which was two things, the salad, and the bread roll. And the ice cream.

Thank you! (to the flight attendant that got me that, you the real MVP of the air)

Also, in Vienna, this really nice restaurant owner, who was like 60 gave me free milk. She was super sweet and why can't more people like her??

For those of you who don't know me really well: I have a complete and utter obsession with milk. I drink about 1/2 a gallon each day. So, her giving me free milk when I didn't have any that entire day because we were out, earned her an automatic place in my heart for all eternity.

Now, if you'll excuse me, it's like 9:56p.m. here- but I'm going to go crash because it feels like 3:56 in the morning.


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