Preference 206 - You Get Your Wisdom Teeth Out

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Harry - ”Babe,” he groaned for the fifth time when you tried to sit up again, “you gotta lie down. You’ve gotta get some rest, okay? Doctor’s orders…”

"What does the doctor know anyway? I’m fine," you snarled out of a frown, attempting with your cheeks puffed to twice their size. He wrapped his palms at your shoulders to ease you down again, fitting the sheets around you to keep you laying. He rubbed skin up to your cheeks with his warm hands, brushing softly to keep it from hurting any more. He leant in, pressing lips to your forehead dully. You could feel his Adam’s apple, throbbing by you before he leant back up to fluff your pillow. 

"Now, I’ve gotta run out for a bit, to grab some more medicine, but I’ll be right back, okay? You just try to get some rest, love…"

"No," you tried whining, turning to the side, "no more medicine, Haz, I don’t want anymore…"

"Babe," he chuckled, hands knitting you back to place again, "you need it. You need to take your medicine," he swept his lips over yours, "I’ll be right back. Just… try not to organise a party for the Queen or something crazy while I’m gone, yeah?"

Liam - your eyelids flickered to looking up, still dull and a little lifeless, the nurse’s hand on your arm to guide you out. “Babe,” Liam hurried up from his chair, dropping whatever magazine he’d been poring over, “here, yep, I’ve got her…” he collected you in his arms, the nurse letting go when she knew you were stable. 

"You be right to get her home, Mr. Payne?" She tapped her clipboard, smiling up, "(Y/N), you’ll be okay from here?"

"Uh huh," you nodded weakly, compressed to Liam’s chest as he helped you toward the exit. 

"Come on, babe," he hushed lips by your forehead, "I got you, come on…" he helped you out, the air a little cool so he wrapped you in his hoodie for the few steps to the car. One hand leant out, he opened the passenger door and eased you in, "there we go, babe, too easy…"

"Easy for you to say," you mumbled, mouth full of gauze as he jogged to the drivers side, chuckle across his lips for the words he heard. 

Louis - he helped you sit up in bed, “here, mum brought over some soup for you have. Since it’s about all you can eat…” he smirked down, creasing the blankets at your middle to rest the breakfast tray. 

"Thanks, Lou," you said, a little muffed from swollen cheeks, "smells good…"

"Yeah, it’s chicken," he smiled, holding one of your cheeks as he dipped the spoon in the liquid, steam spiralling up in manicured swirls, "here, babe, try it out…" he raised the spoon to your mouth a little agape, and you gulped its contents, swallowing and wincing. 

"What?" Louis worried in to you, "too hot? Too painful?" 

"Just a bit sore on the way down," you reached a hand up to brush some hair back from your face, readjusting yourself in the bed, ass a little tired from laying for so long. 

"Oh, hey, let me get that," Louis murmured, softly to you. He laid the spoon down and reached for a hair tie resting on the beside table. He stood to the side of you, and tied your hair in a neat ponytail, moving to the front of you and perching on the edge of the bed again, "how’s that?"

"Perfect, Lou," you smiled weakly with your cheeks, finding his eyes, "thanks…"

Zayn - ”Hey, (Y/N)… (Y/N)?” You opened your eyes slowly, lids to heavy when you tried to lift them, so you let out a groaning noise, stirring in the little chair they’d put you on for recovery, “babe?”

You felt a hand on yours, rubbing into the knuckles, “Zayn?” You managed your eyes open enough to see, “oh, h-hey…” you laughed a little, the gas still wearing off. 

"Hey, babe," he grinned when he saw your eyes flicker up and stay, "how you feeling, girl?"

"Mmm, not too," you smiled, a weary hand raising as you leant up to consciousness, "t-too bad…"

"That’s good," he brushed some hair from your face, "that’s good, babe. Nurse says you just need to stay in here for a bit then I can take you home, how does that sound?"

"S-sounds good," you chuckled, almost smiling until you were wincing, the pain from cheeks swollen making it hurt to spread so wide, "ow…"

"Yeah, the nurse said to try and not smile for a bit," Zayn murmured down, still kneeling by your chair, his own smile a little sad, pity riddling words, "which sucks, cause I love your smile so much, but hey…" he brushed a hand over your forehead again, "whatever it takes to get you feeling better."

Niall - ”Come on, baby girl, jus’ one more…” he fiddled the tiny pill in between two fingers, perched next to you on the edge of the bed with a glass of water in his hand, curling straw poking out of the top. You shook your head wildly, having trouble speaking. 

"No, no… don’t want…" you groaned back, tears welling in your eyes from the sharp pain in your jaw. Your tongue flicked back from the holes in your mouth you could feel, making you shudder, "don’t want, Ni…"

"Babe," he rubbed your shoulder with a warm palm, "this’ll make you feel better, yeah? I promise… it’ll make you feel better…"

"Okay," you sighed, "it better…" your voice sounded stuff when you said it. He chuckled for a second before dropping features, handing you the pill and letting you place it on your tongue before he raised the glass, directing the straw over for you to drink. You gulped noisily. 

"That’s my girl," he tucked some hair behind your ear, "you’ll start feeling better soon, I promise…"

"Can you… can you cuggle with me, babe?" Your voice was muffled up a bit, but he smiled and set the glass down. 

"O’ course I can, babe," he jogged over to the other side of the bed, shifting the covers wide to nestle down with you, wrapping arms around you and letting you fall to his chest, "just try to get some rest," he held you to him, rubbing your temples with the pads of his thumbs, "babe, just try to get some rest."

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