Preference 251 - You Go Bowling

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Harry - you inhaled the scent of fresh flooring and polished wood, before you turned into Harry’s features. “Just thread your fingers in like this,” he murmured below your ear, pecking the skin, hands pillowing yours to carry the weight of the bowling ball. You slid your fingers in, his pebbling up your wrist either arm, catching skin and tugging your elbows when he found them, matching the weight of his own feet standing behind you, “hope it’s not too heavy for you, you got it?”

"Got it," you rolled your eyes, smirking when he leant back enough to step away, smirking in tune with your lips playing their corners. You hung the ball enough behind your body before propelling it forwards, down the lane, watching it catch near the end and knock half the pins you meant it too. Loud clapping sounded behind you and you turned to where Harry opened his arms, bowling shoes squeaking high-pitched and brand new when you stepped over and your body collapsed against his. 

"Good try, babe," he pecked your forehead, lips pressing a crease there. He stepped back from you again, "ready to watch the pro?"

You sat down, spinning the bowl of chips on the table towards you, taking one between two fingers. You cocked an eyebrow, “I’m sorry, Harry… the pro?”

"Yeah," Harry scrunched his features up, collecting the ball in his hands. They swung over it, palming the smooth exterior, two long and slender fingers sliding in, the other hand holding its weight. He stepped over, knotted forehead where he was concentrating, the pink of his tongue slipping out of the corner of his mouth. He swung the ball and bowled it, watching it slide. You laughed out loud when it rolled into the gutter before it could reach the pins. 

You crossed your arms smugly when he turned, “pro, huh?” 

Liam - you felt his hands press your weight and the material of your shirt together, trailing into lazy circles as he stood behind you, “just feel the ball, babe, feel the ball…”

"Feel the ball…" you exhaled, closing your eyes for a second to breathe, nipping your bottom lip with your teeth into biting down, "feel the ball…"

"That’s it, babe," he slowly let go of your waist, slipping back until the tips of his fingers grazed the rest of you, letting go. You managed one step closer to the lane, the ball swilling under one palm, fingers knotted into the three holes with the other hand. You held the weight of the ball beside you, reaching back until you released it, bowling the ball down the lane. It swung to the left a little, spinning on it’s own, still a steady line as you watched it down the lane. It knocked the pins until all of them fell. 

"Liam," your mouth hung a littlle, "I got a strike!" You turned around, balling your hands up in excitement, "babe, I got a strike!"

"That was awesome," he ran up and hugged, jumping into your body to hold you and pick you up, spin you around, "I’m proud of you, babe, my little bowler!"

"I got a strike, I really got a strike," you swelled a smile, with your head buried into the crook of his neck where the scent of cologne lingered from earlier at dinner, "Li, I felt the ball."

"Yeah, you did, babe," he grinned and set you down, the squeak of bowling shoes sounding in the hall, chatter deepening and the smell of popcorn rising, "you felt the ball."

Louis - he wrapped his hands over yours, holding the ball, “you know, we make a pretty good team, babe…”

"Yeah, yeah, just bowl, would you? I wanna beat these guys…" you grinned over at Harry and Niall, flexing arms over their own score, leaning back in their seats, fiddling with the little pens for tapping the screen. 

"Don’t worry, babe, I’m an excellent bowler," he leant a little lower to press his lips to your ear, tug on the lobe, a warm breath tumbling inwards until you shivered under him, "I’ve got this."

You stepped back, smooth expanse of the ball leaving your fingers as you did so, walking over to the chairs, “so, how does it feel to be losing, (Y/N)?”

"Louis’ll get us back on top," you smirked, punching Harry’s shoulder playfully when you sat, "he says he’s got this…"

Niall cocked an eyebrow, laughing, “you have seen Louis bowl before, right?”

You shrugged the sleeves of your jacket until they rushed down your arms, and you could yank them away, folding it over the seat behind you as you crossed your legs, watching Louis pace the lane. He looked over his shoulder and caught your eyes, winking once. 

"Louis can bowl…" you peered over at Harry and Niall, quietly, "right?"

"Just…" Harry leant back a little, smirking with Niall, "just watch, (Y/N). You’ll see…"

Zayn - ”You got this, babe,” Zayn rubbed his palms together, with elbows resting on his knees, jeans tucked up a little for the multi-coloured bowling shoes adorning his feet. He leant forwards, watching your lithe movements. You blew out another breath, finding your centre like every website told you to do. You inhaled something like popcorn and chips when you closed your eyes, kids squealing a little in the far side of your mind, the harsh knock of pins going down, the crack and crunch when they collided with the wood, “come on, babe, this one’s easy.”

It was your second bowl, hoping for a spare. You lined the ball in your hands, watching the path ahead with your eyes before you swung back and let go, half your body following the ball as it spun forwards. It hit both pins on the left and knocked them, the other spinning to the right and another pin remaining it. You jumped when it knocked down, the rest of the pins still standing. 

"That’s my girl," Zayn called loudly from the plastic chairs with the plush backing, raising one arm up to cheer, whooping loudly when you turned around. You blushed up, and walked back to him. He took your hips when you stood in front of him, "that’s my girl," he murmured again, only to you. 

You grinned, peering down, hands resting on his shoulders, “I did good?”

"Yeah," he stood up, his body close enough that you could count each breath, "you did good…"

Niall - ”And he gets another strike,” Niall spun, on his own bowling shoes. The chatter of a mother’s group next to you sounded and you bit down on laughing when they blushed after Niall fisting the air, jogging back to you. He leant down on the plastic chairs and wrapped your waist in his arms, hands knotting behind you when you leant over, catching his lips and stilling yours against them. 

"Good work, babe," you grinned upwards. His cheeks fell a little into blushing, pink rising like a blossom beneath the surface of pale skin that you leant a hand up to cup, rubbing the blush back with your thumb. 

"Your turn, beautiful," he helped you to stand. You made your way over to the bowling balls, tapping their glossy surface with a finger, picking idly, waiting for Niall to follow over and wrap your waist again. You felt his warm breath by your ear, inhaling the tomato sauce and leftover taste of hotdogs trailing from the tip of his tongue when he kissed your skin again, "need help deciding?"

"I’m okay," you leant down to retrieve a small purple ball from the shelving. You carried it over to the lane, watching the glossy lines of each lane shimmy and sway as you walked, changing direction and size under the lights of the bowling hall. You turned to catch his eyes watching before you took a shot, "see if I can give you a run for your money, yeah?"

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