Preference 296 - He Runs You A Bath

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Harry - “Come on, here we go,” he helped you into the bathroom, watching the walls and the doorframe for your legs swung up a little the way he had you, “that’s my girl…”

"Harry," you laughed into his shoulder, "I don’t understand, what are-" you stopped when you saw the bath, water still where it didn’t move at all, spirals of steam up into the air and an open window for the breeze. You sighed when he set you down, and looked up at him, "you didn’t have to do this…"

"Let me take away your crappy day," he nudged you once, shoulder to shoulder, leaning down a little for you, "let me make it better."

Liam - “Stupid headache,” you managed out, groaning down into your lap on the edge of the bath, Liam’s hand soothing your knee where he knelt next to you, “stupid, stupid headache…”

"It’s alright, babe," his voice made it a little better, soft over the sound of water running softly, "I’ll get this ready for you, and you’ll feel better," he had to hunch to kiss the ball of your knee, "I promise."

"Thank you," you smile down, "for doing this, babe."

He shrugged, leaning one arm out to turn the tap, stretching the skin and muscle to reach before settling back, “it’s okay, (Y/N),” he looked up, and caught your eyes in a haze of steam rising spirals, “that’s what boyfriends are for.”

Louis - “That’s it,” Louis jumped up, “I’m running you a bath.” He cut short your last few words, bunched up on the couch and caught in how bad your day had been. You weakly reached after him, groaning, “Lou, it’s okay, you don’t have to do that, I…”

"I’m running you a bath," he smiled over the back of the couch to kiss your lips, upside down, holding one cheek to steady, "I love you."

"My feet really aren’t that sore," you grumbled after him when he left you again, knocking the walls of the hallway as he jogged, skidding socks. 

"Stop making excuses and start getting naked," he called after himself, to make you laugh, knocking your head back into the pillows, before you did what he asked.

Zayn - you wrapped a palm around the doorknob and turned, stepping quietly inside, a slither of air from the open window knocking your skin to ignite goosebumps, shivering before you took another step, Zayn’s warm hands taking your waist. 

"This is so sweet," you whispered under your breath, almost to yourself but Zayn heard it, chuckling from where he stood behind you. Your eyes swung over the candles lit around the bathroom, rose petals fallen a little near your feet and the sink and cupboards, soft music playing and you couldn’t place the tune but you didn’t mind, bubbles brimming the surface of the bath’s edge.

"All for you, sweetheart," Zayn kissed your ear, "all for you."

Niall - the sound of water trickling by the end of the hallway reached you once the front door closed and that sound made a thud to dull. You shrugged out of your jacket as you walked, “Niall?”

"In here, love," his voice sounded muffled, like thick through stream as you reached the bathroom, nudging the door to open. He knelt down in front of the bath, flicking fingers under drops of water still falling from the tap. He turned upwards, smile knocking crooked when you chuckled, "babe, what is this?"

"Your reward," he stood, groaning over his knees from rehearsal all day, "for being amazing," he wrapped his arms around your middle, "now get those clothes off, my beautiful girl."

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