Preference 247 - An Hour Before The Wedding

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Harry - you heard a quiet knock on the door, like a rounded fist scrunched up and tapping lightly on the wood. A quiet voice followed, “baby, are you in there? Can I come in?”

You snapped your head up, dotting down the powder brush you’d been fiddling in two hands. You turned around, “Harry?”

"Maybe…" a quiet voice murmured from the other side of the door. You stepped up slowly, careful of the hem around your white dress, pinning the sides as you walked. You leant against the other side, "can I talk to you, babe?"

You furrowed your brow, blinking around the room, “what’s up, Harry?’

"I just wanted to hear your voice," you heard him smile, "I know I’m not supposed to see you before the wedding, but I can just imagine how you look, babe," the plane of wood on the other side of the door shifted a little, when he chuckled, "I know you look amazing, and I just…" you shifted your eyes around the room, leaning one palm flat against the door, as you heard him sigh, "I just wanted to hear your voice, babe, I can’t wait to see you up there," he swallowed thickly, "I can’t wait to marry you."

Liam - you let hands fiddle skin when your bridesmaids took you around the room, picking at parts of your dress, setting your hair and touching and re-touching. A knock on the door sounded, and you snapped your head up, rolling your eyes when your maid of honour emitted a yowl sound, worrying about your makeup. 

"Knock knock," Liam’s voice sounded on the other side of the door, "can I come in?"

"What? No," your best friend laughed, shaking her head at the other end of the room. 

"Can I just say hi to (Y/N) then?" 

"Babe, I…" you smiled, letting yourself be moved back to the chairs, bags knocking aside so you could sit. 

"Hey, she will see you in an hour," your friends laughed again, fingers dipping in your hair, moving strands to places, tucking back, adding extra bobby pins. You shook your head down, smiling at your white lap where your hands were entwining into a knot. 

"Well," you heard Liam sigh against the other side of the door, "at least tell me how she looks…"

Louis - you paced the room, back and forth, worrying your hands and fingers interlocking, pressing down the front of your white dress. You tossed your head back, examining the ceiling as you walked, not quite tripping over your own feet as you dug a line into the hardwood floors. 

"(Y/N)," you turned around at the sound of your name, a little hurried. 

"Louis?" You stopped, before you caught yourself, picking up sections of your dress to dash over, "wha-what are you doing here? You know it’s bad luck to-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he rolled his eyes, collecting your cheek in his hand, black bow tie slung, unknotted, around his neck, "I couldn’t help myself, I just…" he exhaled, pressing his forehead to yours, crinkling eyes into a smile, "God, you look beautiful, babe."

You wriggled your hands up to fasten his tie for him, “you don’t look so bad yourself,” you shook under his arms snaking around you. 

"What do you say we," he swayed a little with you, smiling wider still, "blow this joint and go run away together, hey? Get me out of this monkey suit and just… get hitched in the middle of nowhere?"

Zayn - ”One hour to go,” your best friend shook your shoulder, her warm palm sliding a little on your skin where she held you. She squeezed, enough for your eyes to snap up and meet hers, “how’re you feeling?”

You blew out a little, conscious of your lipstick, “a little nervous,” you admitted, “but, um, I’ll be okay…” you sighed again, casting eyes down, “I just wish I could see Zayn already…”

"You’ll see him soon enough," she squeezed tighter before she let go, and swept her way across the room, picking up flowers to move God knows where, readjust something else, a flurry of bodies in bright dresses behind you. You let yourself shake, some kind of nervous habit that ran through your limbs and loosened you out. You turned back to the mirror, pressing fingertips to your skin to make sure you were real. You looked down at the sound of your phone buzzing, caught between a half-open packet of fake lashes and a smeared tube of red lipstick. You gingerly swiped the screen, lighting up to a text message from Zayn, I can’t wait to see you babe. i know you’re gonna look so beautiful. I love you so much xx

Niall - you walked quickly, holding your white dress in sections. You looked ahead, peering down the narrow corridor of the church, “Louis, Louis!” You jogged a little until you met him, turning into you. 

"Whoa, hey, (Y/N)," he held your arms, "what’s going on?"

"Have…" you bit your lip, "have you seen Niall?"

"Yeah, he’s in the room there," Louis looked over before he looked back, furrowing his brow, "what’s wrong?"

"Nothing," you shook your head, sighing, your chest heaving from being strapped in material so tight, "I just… I don’t know. I guess I’m just freaking out, you know," you shook your head oddly to one side, "wedding jitters and all. I just wish I could hug Niall or something."

"Hey," Louis helped you into his chest, "you’ll get to see him soon enough, okay? But you don’t need to be nervous," he drew you back to meet your eyes, "you don’t need to be nervous at all. You know what Niall kept saying when I was in there? He kept saying that he can’t wait to see you, that he can’t wait to marry you, and he couldn’t stop smiling. He just said he loves you so much, he said this is the best day of his life."

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